Jason// Shocked

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Haha, punny! Anyway....

You sit at Jason's empty table early in the morning. Almost no one else was up yet, so you didn't bother sitting at your table.

You do your two favorite passions: eating, and teasing Jason. He looks lost in thought, so you seize the opportunity.

"So.... Is there anything going in that melon of yours, or is the wind just blowing in one ear and out the other?"

He rolls his eyes. "I have plenty going on in my 'melon'." He laughs.

"Really? Shock me, say something intelligent, airhead."

"Lightning is hotter than the sun."

"So are you...." You mutter.

"What?" His eyes widen.

"I said 'what's wrong with you'!" You quickly cover up. "I mean, I didn't actually expect you to tell me a fact...."

He shrugs. "Something Annabeth told me. What do you want to do today?"

"Kiss you...." You say under your breath. He leans closer across the table.

"What? Stop mumbling, I can't hear you."

"I said I miss school." You mentally slap yourself.

"Why?" He looks shocked. Pun intended.

"Uh, I miss one of my friends there. But I have friends here, so I'm good. Let's go do something."

Time skip

You walk quietly next to Jason, who, again, appears to be thinking. You silently admire his blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. His muscles peek out from under his T-shirt. He's a great guy, not just by looks. He's loyal and brave, and cares deeply about others.

You find yourself muttering again. "I like you..."

He snaps out if his thoughts. "What did you say?"

"I'd smite you. You know, if I was a goddess." You just can't bring yourself  to say these things to his face, at least not loud enough for him to hear. His eyes narrow

"You look like one. Your beauty is shocking." He grins.

Now it's your turn. "What?" Your eyes widen.

He sighs and stops walking. "Unlike you, I'm not going to lie about what I said. I meant it. I know you've been lying about what you say all day." He looks you directly in the eye and you look down sheepishly, unsmiling. You're caught. This is the part where he tells you he doesn't like you that way and rejects you. You stick your hands in your pockets.

"I'm sorry for lying," you murmur. "I'll stop being such a horrible flirt. I know you don't like me in that way, that's why I was saying those things so quietly. I'm sorry." You pretend the dirt is interesting. He's quiet for so long, you almost feel like crying. You just ruined your perfect friendship.

He stares at you. "Did you not hear what I said?" His tone is disbelieving. His fingers push your chin up to look at him. "(Y/n), I said you were beautiful. I made a pun to flirt with you. I know everything you said today, and never once did I shoot you down for it. What part of that says 'I don't like you'?"

You get red, but don't quite smile. "Well, you said I lied, and you hate it when people lie."

He sighs. "There's a big difference. When someone lies and acts disloyal with the lie, I dislike it. What you did, I found... cute."

Now you smile. "Oh.... So.... does that mean.... do you...."

"Oh my gods, (y/n)," he laughs at your unsureness, and you can't reply, because his lips are smashed against yours.

He pulls back and looks you in the eyes. "Does that clear things up a bit? Or is it still foggy?"

"Still a little foggy," You smile bring your lips back to his. You blame your excellent flirting skills for this success.

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