Nico// Sword Fight... kinda

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I'm getting writers block, so here's a one-shot from my Nico x Reader book.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Percy waved a hand in front of your face. You snapped back to reality.


Percy chuckled.

"Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night." It was true. Capture the Flag was yesterday, and you didn't get much sleep due to the bruises you had.

Percy has been one of your main friends at camp. His bright personality helps you when you're in a bad mood. His jokes make you laugh when you want to cry.

But you don't like him, at least not like that. When someone asks you who you do like, you either say 'no one' or don't answer. Because your crush is Nico.

You don't know what it is, but you felt drawn to him after you became friends. No one really knows you're friends, because he's never around much.

There's only one person who knows who it is, but she doesn't count because she's the daughter of Aphrodite -- Piper. She could probably smell your crush from a mile away.

You and Percy were leaving breakfast and decided to go practice sword fighting, when Piper ran up to you.

"Hey, (y/n), have you seen Nico?" She asked.

"No. I think he skipped breakfast again..." You frowned. You knew it was unhealthy for him to skip breakfast, but you could never get him to go.

She sighed. "Why?" You ask. Nico and Piper weren't very close, why was she looking for him?

"Chiron says he needs to practice more, he's avoided training, claiming he doesn't need it. I know it's a little wrong to use my powers, but I thought I could.... convice him to come."

You knew Piper was uncomfortable using her charmspeak, so you volunteered to get him. She thanked you and left.

Of course, you found Nico at his cabin. "Nico!" You banged on the door. Nothing.

"I'm coming in!" You warned before pushing the door open. Nico sat on his bed, staring down at his sword, which he appeared to be sharpening.

"What do you want?" He didn't growl as harshly as he would with everyone else. With you, he just used a slightly annoyed voice.

"Chiron says you need to practice. You need to stop avoiding training -- and breakfast, for that matter." He stopped sharpening and looked up at you.

"I don't have to." He glares at you, but not one of his famous death glares.
You crossed you arms and glare right back. "I'll make you."

Silently, he puts his sword in his sheath and stands to face you.
"How?" There's a slight hint of amusement in his voice as he raises an eyebrow.

You swallow. You didn't know how. He was stronger than you. Then you smirked. But you were smarter than him.

You walked towards him until you were inches apart. Your pulse spead up to being so close to your crush. Focus.

"I'll drag you out there if I need to."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." You moved to grab his arm, but he moved out of the way, just like you wanted him to. You took the opportunity to reach behind him and snatch the blade and its sheath off the bed and quickly jump back, out of reach.

His eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step towards you, causing you to take a step back. "Give me my sword!"

"Come and get it!"

He quickly realized what you were doing. You were trying to get him to chase you to training. He decided to trick you back. He pretended to rush towards you, so you turned to run to the door, but found that he blocked your path and you bumped into him. You immediately hid the sword behind your back.

"You shadow traveled! That's cheating!" You whined, but smiled.

"Sword, now." He demanded, but his scowl had softened. You were again very close.

"No." You grinned. You see him struggling to hide his grin.

He reached behind you to snatch it, but you used your other hand to hold it away. You stretched it away from him, one hand holding the sword, the other on his chest to hold him back.

"(Y/n)!" He whined and you giggled. You two had a playful stare down.

Before you could react, he slipped under your hand and lunged for the sword. He grabbed it, but you didn't let go. The momentum sent to both to the ground

You couldn't help but laugh after landing on him. Soon, he joined. He rarely laughed, and you loved the sound of it. You suddenly blushed, realizing you were laying on top of your crush.

You had one hand beside his head, and he had a hand on your waist. Your other hand and his other hand held the sword between them. His touch made your skin tingle.

Instead of taking the sword, he gently pushed it from you grasp and intwined his fingers with yours, causing you to blush harder. You looked at him, and he had an uncertain look on his face, and, to your delight, he was also blushing.

You were about to say something, but he cut you off.

"(Y/N)..." He started then cleared his throat before starting again. "(Y/N), I've never been lucky in the crush department, but..." He swallowed. "I like you."

You froze in shock. Nico liked you. Your friend/crush liked you back. You couldn't believe it. Although, that would explain why he's holding my hand, you thought.

He took your frozen response as bad, and his face fell. He slowly started to remove his hand from yours, but you just held on tighter.

Not knowing what you were doing, you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. His lips were soft against yours.

You pulled away and avoided eye contact. "Sorry, I just --"

His hand went from your hand to your cheek in a second and he swiftly pulled you in for another kiss. After a moment, you slowly relaxed against him. His lips moved against yours with passion. This time, neither of you pulled away.

That is, until Piper walked in. "Nico -- Ah!!" She shreaked in surprise to seeing you and Nico on the floor, kissing.

You to both jumped and sat up. You were now straddling his waist with your hands on his shoulders, and he was sitting up with one hand behind him propping him up, and the other hand still on your waist.

You blushed redder than a tomato and your mouth opened and closed, trying to think of something -- anything-- to say.

"Um, I - I'll just tell Chiron that Nico....has a headache..." She smiled apologetically and left, closing the door behind her.

You expected to see Nico red, but instead he was glaring at the door Piper had just left through. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"She interrupted," was his short explanation before locking lips with you again.

HoO // Guys x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now