Jason// Mistake

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Imagine perfect bliss.

Pure happiness.

You have the perfect guy. He's not a bad boy, he's not quite a goody two-shoe. He's just a fun guy. He's strong, handsome, kind, a good leader, adorably awkward sometimes, and most of all, he loved you.

Notice the past tense.

After 8 months of dating, you don't know what happened. Does he not love you anymore? Did he ever? Is he bored of you?


Training was hard today. You are sweating and tired, but you're in a great mood because you won each fight you did today. Except against Annabeth, but she doesn't count. She's too good for you -- for now. You almost had her, but she found a weak spot.

You decide to tell Jason, your boyfriend, about it. After asking around, some campers saw him head towards the Aphrodite cabin. You figure he's talking with your guys' friend, Piper.

You get there, and find Piper alone. "Hey, have you seen Jason?"

"I think he was walking around the woods area of camp and the strawberry fields with that new Jessie girl."

"Ok. He's probably showing her around, like he does with some newbies. Thanks, Pipes!"

You fast walk around camp. You got happier as you thought about seeing him. He always puts you in a good mood. You could already feel his arm over your shoulders and his kiss on top of your head.

The last place you haven't looked is the woods. You don't have to go far.

About five trees in, you see something you wish you'd never witnessed. Jason.... and the new girl. Kissing. You freeze, your mind goes blank, as does your heart. You feel nothing.

Your world and happiness silently and slowly crumbles around you, one. Brick. At a time. Your breathing starts picking up pace as uninvited tears race past your cheeks. That's when you feel again, and what you feel is a sharp pain to the chest.

When they say it feels like someone stabbed your heart, they aren't being figurative. You feel like Jason's own sword was driven to your heart, slowly piercing it.

Almost involuntarily, you breath out, "Jason...?"

You see him break away when he hears your voice, but he looks at Jessie with confusion, and then you. That's when your back turned to him and you walked away. You don't run, you don't think you can. Your legs feel too weak. Your feet drag along the ground as you walk as quickly away as you can, which isn't fast at the moment.

You hear a sound like someone fell, and then quick footsteps. A hand grabs your shoulder to spin you around, but as you turn, your hand swings out to backhand whoever grabbed you.

It was a hard blow; Jason's head whipped to the side hard, and he almost fell. He stumbled back two steps, one hand cupping his cheek. You punch him square in the nose, for good measure.

Your weak legs are gone and replaced with limbs ready to sprint. So you sprint across camp, to the opposite border.

That's a long run.

Once you get there, to the far corner by the ocean, you lean against a tree and let the tears flow. Broken sobs escape you.

Normally, this view of the beach, the ocean, and the sun setting, casting brilliant colors across the water, would calm you. But not today.

Now they remind you of a happiness you once had. Maybe it hasn't been that long. But it doesn't have to of been. You can fall in love over time, but a heart can break in seconds.

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