Percy's Pillow Pet

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You giggled with your hands behind your back. Today is Percy's birthday, and you knew exactly what to get him.

You knocked on his cabin door, heard groaning and shuffling, and then the door opened. Your face was lightly red at a shirtless Percy leaning against his doorframe, hair ruffled, rubbing his eye tiredly.

Your eyes glanced down at his abs before quickly flashing up to his memorizing eyes. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? I was sleeping..."

You laugh. "Percy, it's getting close to lunch. You should be awake by now. And I'm here because today is a very special day!"

His tired brain must not have registered what that meant, because he just gave you a confused look and cutely tilted his head.

"It's your birthday, kelp head."

Your best friend's eyes widened a fraction as he remembered, "Oh!" He yawned. "So can my birthday wish be to sleep all day?"

"No." He frowned. "But I did get you something..." He smiled. "Close your eyes!"

He obeyed, and you pushed a pillow pet against his chest. "Hold it..." His hands held the pillow pet. "Open your eyes!"

He smiled brightly at the pillow pet. "I'm gonna name it fluffy!" He visibly woke up more. You giggled. "Thanks, (y/n)!" He pulled you in for a hug.

"And," you continue when you pull away. "I also made you a blue brunch, and planned out a relaxing day. No training. I also made Grover take a break from some recycling project to come see you."

He smiled even bigger, his white teeth showing and shining. His eyes widdened and lit up. "Really?!" He bounced on his toes.

You nodded happily. He was acting like a child on Christmas morning. " you like your birthday gifts so far?"

"Like them? (Y/n), I could kiss you right now!" He froze, realizing what he just said. He turned deep red, and so did you. "Uh -- er -- I-I mean, if -- only if you wanted, o-or if not, then that-that's ok, too -- um...."

You were the same awkward mess. "Uh -- um, ya... I mean, if you're ok with it, I'm -- I'm ok with it...  I guess..." You gulp.

"Oh, for Hades' sake!" Someone yelled. Before you could look to see who it was, you felt a hand shove your head into Percy's, your lips smushed together.

For a moment, both of your eyes were wide. Being so close, it looked to you like he had one eye. Your eyes fluttered shut and he kissed you. It was sweet and slow. Your hands held his face, his hands rested on your hips. His arms wrapped fully around you, holding you closer until you pressed up against him and could get no closer. He deepened the kiss and tilted his head. Your hands explored his bare chest and six pack.

Someone cleared their throat behind you. You blushed and pulled away to face the person that started the kiss.

Piper. She's definitely gotten a little more in touch with her Aphrodite side.

"So...? You're welcome?" She smiled.

"Thanks," you muttered, though you were grinning.

Percy slid his arms around you and put his chin on your shoulder (or head, depending on your height), his warm chest pressed against your back. "Thank you, Pipes. I now have the most wonderful girlfriend." You somehow blush deeper. He hasn't actually asked you to be his girlfriend yet.

Just then, a group of Aphrodite girls come out from behind a bush and migrate back to their cabin, all talking. "I knew they'd end up together!" One girl declared. "Lizzie, you owe me five drachmas!"

"Did you see his muscles, though?" Another squealed.

"The whole Aphrodite cabin was watching?!" You said with slight horror. You hoped they didn't find your kiss too amusing and spread gossip about the kiss and 'girlfriend' statement. But it was obviously false hope.

"Woops," was all Piper said before leaving.

Percy nuzzled his head into your neck. "Does this mean we can cuddle?"

You laugh. "Not until you eat the food I made you! Do you know how hard it is to make blue bacon?"

"Fine," he grumbled.

You turned in his arms and kissed him. "Afterwards we can cuddle." You promised.

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