Travis Stoll// Shh....

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This one is... different... Lots of kissing...

"Shh!" You are hushed by your boyfriend, Travis Stoll. You two were sneaking out of camp, and you stepped on a twig. It's hard to sneak in broad daylight!

"I'm sorry! Not all of us can be masters at sneaking!" You whisper.

"This was your idea!" He whispers back.

You keep going, creeping out of camp Yes, this is dangerous, but you had the Hecate kids put a spell on you to block your scent from monsters. It only lasts an hour so you two needed to hurry.

Once you make it to the road, the taxi you'd called is parked waiting. You two hop in and let out a breath, smiling at each other.

"We made it!" You say happily.


You walk in the doors of the huge library, your eyes shining in admiration. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Travis staring.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," you joke, nudging him.

"I'd rather stare," he replies with a smirk. You turn red, and he chuckles.

"Let's go!" You grab his hand and drag him off towards the section that you'd find the book you're looking for. Almost no one is in the library/book store, so you don't have to weave through any crowds.

Meaning no one stands between you and your book.

As you're walking farther back, you notice people starting to come in the building. And then some more. And more. So much for an empty building.

You ignore them and turn down an isle, but Travis, being Travis, is scheming.

You're skimming through the book titles, and Travis stands right behind you. He slips his arms around your waist and holds you against him. You think he's just holding you, so you lean on him as you continue searching the books. Then his head dips down to your neck and leaves a kiss.

You brush it off as just a kiss.

He leaves little kisses up and down your neck. OK he's definitely trying to do something. His kisses become longer. He goes up your neck and nibbles on your ear.

Not good. Why? Because you have a weakness for biting.

You swallow. "Travis, what are you doing?"

"Shh, we're in a library," he whispers against your skin.

His nibbling travels down to your neck. A short, soft noise comes from you.

"Shh," he says again.

"Travis, you know how I react to nibbling and biting," you hiss.

The only reply you get is feeling him smirk. He nibbles again. And again. You struggle to make no noise. You close your eyes and try to push him away. "I can't be silent!"

Many footsteps are heard in an isle close to yours. Great.

"You better be, someone might hear you." He turns you around, still holding you close. He returns to what he was doing, this time finding your sweet spot at the base of your neck. Despite your attempts, another small moan comes out.

His lips come up to yours, but barely brush them. He catches your lip with his teeth, and he chuckles at the sound you make. "Shhh...."

His hooks your shirt and tugs it up just enough to draw soft circles on your skin. The circles and the way he softly kisses you, occasionally biting, feels pleasurable.

He continues this, shushing you every time you make a sound. Now, someone is in the isle next to yours. You feel uneasy by the mischievous look in his eyes.

He grabs your legs and makes you jump, wrapping your legs around him. He kisses you fiercely, rubbing your sides and back. His hand goes under your shirt to lightly trail back down your spine, which makes you shiver. Maybe it's the fact that you shouldn't make noise that makes you struggle more to stay quiet. Little noises escape you, though you try so hard to be silent.

Suddenly he stops and puts you on your feet, his hands resting on your waist. You're gasping for air, but still trying to be quiet because of the person in the next isle.

You're addicted to his kisses, and he knows how to keep you that way. Wanting just a little more, you try to kiss him again, but he leans back and smirks. You make another sound, this time of protest.

You hear footsteps coming to your isle so you quickly turn around and pretend to look at books. A lady comes around the corner, dressed in a polo shirt with a name tag.

"Is everything alright here?" She asks, eyeing us.

"Yep," you answer, maybe a little too quickly, barely controlling your breathing.

She glances between you two suspiciously. "Someone said something about noises..."

Travis chokes holding back laughter, and you shoot him a warning look. He clears his throat. "Well, we saw a young couple heading back towards the bathroom, and they made some noises on the way there," he lied.

She obviously doesn't believe him, but she rolls her eyes. "Don't get into any mischief," she warns before turning to leave.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Travis calls as she disappears. You glare at him. You grab the book off the shelf, grab his wrist, and pull him to the front counter. You buy the book and leave.

On the drive back, you ignore Travis.

"Aww, come on, (y/n)!"

"I'm not talking to you." He just got you in trouble at your favorite bookstore! And in a rather embarrassing way. The library had started getting busy while you were there, and it was quiet, so small noises could've be heard from a distance. Only the bookshelves provided any sort of muffling.

"You just did." You shoot him a glare. "You got in trouble..... But you know you liked it." He wiggles his eyebrows and you blush, turning so he can't see.

"No I didn't." Yes you did.

"Whatever," he says, kissing you on the cheek. You can't help but smile.

You know two things:

1: You love your boyfriend.

2: It'll be a long time before you take him with you to the library again.

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