Leo // Dude Chill

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So this is... really late....
But here's one of your requests the_wand_chose_me
Sorry lol
Also sorry for not coming up with a better title. If you think of a better one, let me know and I may change it :)

"So?" Nico raises an eyebrow.

You stare at him, mouth gaping. "So?! I just told you the most heartbreaking news of all time and you say so?"

"It's sad, but don't you have a hundred other books on your to-read list?"

"Yeah, but--"

"Hey, guys! Miss me?" Leo flashes a huge grin and sits beside you at the table. "What's the fuss about?"

You fully turn so you're straddling the bench facing Leo, making sure he's fully listening. "I just told Nico that I finished reading the second book in a series. I've been waiting for the third book for a year. Turns out, the author got a form of dementia... so she doesn't even remember the other books or what she was writing."

Leo's eyes widen. "That's terrible," his look changes to be sad. "So the series is discontinued."

You nod. "If I had any regular money, I'd donate to the cause. Her daughter opened a fundraising campaign for more in depth research on dementia."

"I said 'so' as in what are you going to do about it? I'm not heartless," Nico protests. "I mean you could write your own version. You probably can't publish it, but you can enjoy it and share it with others who enjoyed the series. And reading other books could help distract you from the fact you can't finish the series."

"I suppose you're right," You grumble. Then you perk up. "Are we still going to the movies?"

Nico sips on his drink and nods. Leo glances between you two. Is something going on between you? Are you secretly dating?

"Movies? Wouldn't you have to sneak out of camp?"

You shrug. "If Chiron says no. If so, Nico will shadow-travel us there."

"It's pretty, ah, dangerous, don't you think?" You realize he seems to be trying to make you change your mind.

You place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll be fine. Neeks and I can protect ourselves."

Time skip, next day

You walk along with Nico, talking and laughing. You guys 'happen' to walk by the strawberry fields where Will is helping out. You tease Nico lightly, who shrugs it off. Not too far away, Leo catches sight of you and frowns. He realizes that you two spend quite a lot of time together. He figures secret dating makes sense. Isn't that what going to the movies is? A date?

Does this mean you like guys with darker hair? Who are more laid back? Does he try to hard?

Time skip

Breakfast the next day, you get ready for sparring practice. Your partner today is Leo. You stretch after you get your light practice armor on and grab a sparring sword.

Leo waits for you, but he looks different. He looks almost... grumpy... or just distracted? And his hair is covered in something dark.

"Leo? What's in your hair?" You give his hair a concerned inspection.

"Oh, must be from this morning. I was working in the shop," he answers calmy.

"What is it? Ash? Grease? Spray paint?" You reach to touch it, but he leans away.

"It'll wash out, it's okay," he shrugs.

You stop and look at him. "Are you okay?"

He smiles only a little. "Yeah. Why?"

You shake your head and get into a ready position. He mirrors you. After a while of sparring, jabbing, and dodging, you hold your hand up for a break.

"We've been training for an hour now and you've barely smiled and you haven't cracked a joke. What's wrong?"

Leo purses his lips. "Nothing." He avoids looking you in the eye.

Annoyed, you place a hand on his face and make him look at you. "Leo, you can tell me what's wrong."

He reluctantly looks you in the eye. "You'd never keep secrets from me, right?"

You give him a confused look. "No... why?"

He looks at his feet. "So you and Nico aren't secretly dating?" It sounds accusing, but you don't react for a moment. When you do, you start laughing. Leo gets a hurt look and crosses his arms. "What's so funny? It's an honest question!"

You stop laughing, reducing to a broad smile. "Leo, I-- no. We're not secretly dating. I didn't realize you didn't know."

"Know what?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Nico likes guys. He's gay. We're just good friends," you say, making sure you aren't too loud. You don't want to announce it to everyone around, that's Nico's choice.

A/N I haven't read Trials of Apollo yet, so if any of my writing is inaccurate, that's why.

"Ooooh... okay, well, now I look stupid."

A light bulb turns on in your head. "Wait, is that why you're so 'calm' and why there's dark stuff in your hair?"

He sheepishly looks away. "No."

"Liar," you laugh, lightly punching his arm. "Leo, I like you just the way toy are."

He grins. "Okay, Bruno Mars."

You roll your eyes and step away. "Fine. If that's what I get for being nice."

He wraps you in a bear hug before you can leave. "Nooo!" He cries out. "I'm sorry! I'll never insult you again!"

Your face turns red. "Leo you're making a scene!" You glance at the curious campers looking your way. He lets you go, laughing.

"So... you wanna go to the movies?"

"Yeah!" He replies. "What movie should we see?"

You plant a kiss on his cheek. "Whatever you want."

He returns the kiss to your own cheek. "I have the perfect movie in mind."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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