Leo // Who Do You Love?

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Warning: mushy....ish

You have been at camp as long as Percy Jackson, but you're a year younger. Before that, you had grown up with Leo. That is, until he went to that school and met Jason and Piper. You were his best friend, but he became so distant. It broke your heart to see him growing distant from you. It hurt worse when you found out he met Calypso.... and he now loves her.

You talked on occasion now, slowly rebuilding your friendship. But the more he talked about Calypso....

You remember the day he left to find her.

"Leo, wait!" You called out before he could climb on his dragon. You knew his plan. You just didn't like it. You grabbed his hand. "Be careful. Promise me you'll live." You held back tears. You would not cry.

"I promise, (y/n)." He laced his fingers through yours. "I'll be back." You wanted to tell him how you feel, but couldn't.

He let go and flew into the sky. Moments later, the light of a fiery explosion reflected in your tear-brimmed eyes.

And you remember the day he came back with Calypso, whose beauty you could never beat.

"This is Calypso!" Leo introduced you, his hand in hers. You greatly hated the feeling of tears again make their presence known. "Why are you crying?" He asks, worried.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you, alive," you smiled.

Leo still talks about her. They aren't officiant together, Calypso said she wanted to get used to our world first. It didn't matter. He loved her, and wouldn't shut up about it.

One day, you just about couldn't take it. But you are strong, you don't, and won't, cry.

You decide to talk to Piper.

"It's been years, and we've stayed friends. I can't make the feelings go away! I don't know why, it's torture. He likes Calypso! Don't get me wrong, Calypso's nice, but can you blame me for getting grumpy around her? Leo likes a gorgeous goddess! I'm a petty demigod!" You vent.

Piper thinks. "Well, for one, you're not petty. And two.... It's hard to tell who he really likes. My Aphrodite senses tell me that he doesn't even realize who he loves."

You groan. "At least he's my friend."

You thank Piper and leave. She doesn't like seeing her friend sad, especially over this. So she decides to find out who Leo really likes. Something told her it wasn't Calypso.


"Leo Why won't you tell me who you like?" Piper said, annoyed.

"I did! I like Calypso!" This has been going on for five minutes straight.

"I can't explain how, but I know that's not true."

"Yes, it is!" Another name, another face flashed through his mind, but he pushed it aside.

"Tell me who you're really in love with!" Without meaning to, she let power seep into her words.

"(Y/n)," Leo blurted. He got surprised. Then turned red. Then got angry. "Piper--"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to charmspeak you into saying that!" Piper apologized quickly.

Leo calmed down. "If you tell anyone --"

This is when you walk in, totally oblivious to the previous conversation.

"Tell anyone what?" You ask. Piper squealed, confusing you. She whispers in Leo's ear, She likes you too.

"I'm gonna go...." She slips out the door.

Leo is blushing, looking at you.


I look at (y/n). What just happened? I said I love (y/n). I didn't realize it until I said it.

I thought I loved Calypso. She's cute, witty, caring. I find her attractive. But now that I think about it....

I don't get the famous butterflies whenever I'm around Calypso, but I do when I see (y/n). I had thought it was because we'd been separate for so long, I was happy every time I got to see her.

(Y/n) is beautiful, funny, strong, caring, and so much more, and I don't just find her attractive..... I feel like she's a magnet, and I can't possibly draw away from her again. I feel tingles every time our skin accidentally brushes. I've held her when she's upset, which filled me with happiness, because of the fact that I was the one to comfort her. But also sorrow when she clings to me as her rare tears came out, seen only by me.

Her smile could light up my day, her tears could ruin it, and seeing her hurt, hurt me.

Oh my gods.

I'm in love with (y/n).

"Um.... Leo? Are you OK?" She asks.

"I'm in love.....," I breath. I've never felt anything like this. And I'm not letting it go.

Her face dropped. "Yeah, with Calypso...," she tries to sound happy. "I know. You talk about her a lot... all the time." She covers the crack in her voice.

I suddenly wonder how long I've tortured her with talk about Calypso. I always hate seeing her hurt, and I never realized I might be causing her pain.

".....with you." I finish.

She looks confused. "Yes, you talk about her with me."

I laugh. I can't help it, I'm happy. I grab her face gently. "No -- I'm in love, with you." I don't know what's come over me, but I like it. I know I've been close to losing (y/n) recently, and I can't let that happen.

She freezes. Her mouth hangs open. I see a spark in her eye, happiness and hope. I  hug her tightly.

"I didn't know..... I didn't realize
.... But now I know. It's always been you." (Feel free to cringe at the mushiness)

I lean back and kiss her lips. I remove my lips from hers, and then I do it again. I pepper her face with kisses, mostly her lips.

She giggles. "Leo -- Leo, stop!" When I stop and look into her eyes, they suddenly look sad. "Is this real? I mean, this whole time you didn't like me.... You liked Calypso, and now you suddenly like me?" Her voice rings with doubt.

I lay my forehead on hers, cupping her face with my hands. "I've always loved you, I was just too blind to see. This is real. I promise." She slowly smiles and leans up to kiss me. I meet her halfway. How could I have not realized that everything I've always wanted was with me the whole time? With Calypso, it wasn't real. There are already signs of her moving on from me. But this, with (y/n)?

This is real.

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