Connor, Theif

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You, Connor, and Travis were laughing hard, doubled over. You had just replaced all of the Aphrodite cabin's hair spray with an extra friz formula, so now half the cabin had almost Afros.

Once you'd recovered, you three went to the beach to relax (and hide).

"That was the best!" You laugh.

"The look on their faces!" Connor agreed. You high fived the brothers.

"Let's go swim!" You decided. You three had already planned on coming to the beach, so the boys had their swim trunks on and you wore your swimsuit/bikini under your clothes.

They agreed and you all stood up. You didn't hesitate to pull off the clothes covering your swimwear. OK, that's a lie. Connor was like five feet away. You've grown to like him more than a friend over the years you've known him, and you've both grown really close. So you hesitated a little.

But then you decided it would be more awkward if you hesitated, so then you stepped out of your shorts and pulled your shirt over your head.

Your body stretched as your arms went up with your shirt, and Connor was staring, red-faced. You giggled as he averted his gaze.

Then it was your turn to turn red as he pulled off his shirt, showing how much training has payed off.

"Hey! Stop checking each other out and get in the water!" Travis called. You both blushed even more. He hurried off to a dock that had been built recently. (I don't know if there's a dock on the beach, but if not just roll with it)

Hr jumped into the water, and you stood at the beginning of the dock. You ran from one end to the other, jumping off at the last second, cannon ballng into the ocean. You stayed under water for a moment, and swam closer to shore.

You tilted your head upward so the water pushed the hair out of your face as you resurfaced, closer to the shore where your feet could touch. The water was waist deep. Travis was grinning and said, "Nice cannonball!" as you swam closer to them.

Connor, on the other hand, was just staring, a small involuntary smile on his lips. He suddenly realized he was staring and cleared his throat, looking away.

You laughed. "What? Was it that good?" You joked.

He looked you in the eye, smirking. "No, not the cannonball."

"Oh?" You raised an eyebrow.

"It wasn't you going into the water, sweetheart, it was you coming out." You felt a slight heat rise in your cheeks. You've never failed to have something to say back to Connor, but now you didn't know what to say. You were pretty sure he just flirted with you.

"Well -- I -- it -- what --" you finally groaned. "I don't know what you mean."

Connor didn't miss a beat. "I mean you looked like a water goddess when you came out of the water in your gorgeous (F/C) (fav type of swimsuit)."

Now you were definitely blushing. You two had had your moments when you thought you could be closer than friends, but he's never flat-out flirted with you. Then again, it's Connor. If he wants something, he finds a way to get it, usually by stealing. And he wants you.

While you were blushing and unable to speak, he did the last thing you expected and leaned in and kissed you, rather fiercely. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer. You kissed him back, arms around his neck.

Travis cleared his throat, reminding you that you needed air. You pulled away, breathing in said air. But you didn't look away from Connor.

"That was... unexpected," you smile widely.

"But also overdue," Connor replied, returning the smile. You gaze into his eyes, and he gazes back.

"If you two are done having eye sex, I believe we came here to swim!" Travis yells. At the same time, you and Connor leap at him and dunk him under water.  When he comes back up, he gags at the sight of you two kissing again, although he's secretly happy for his brother.

You splash at him, and he splashes back. The night ends with a splash war, and you leave the beach hand in hand with your favorite Stoll brother.

"I love you, (y/n)," Connor laughs.

"I love you, too," you smile and lay your head on his arm.

If Connor wants something, he finds a way to get it, usually by stealing. So he stole your first kiss, and he stole your heart.

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