Will // Good Luck

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This one's a teensy bit long.

You and Will have had plenty of time to become friends over the years. Why?

Because you're a klutz. Accident prone. Why?

Well, you were never this accident prone. Another friend of yours, Dylan, cursed you. He's a son of Tyche, but he could definitely pass as a son if Aphrodite.

He watched a movie one day, some chick flick. The girl was a klutz and literally stumbled into her soul mates arms, they fell in love, sparks flew, blah, blah, blah.

Then you were both brought to camp. Long story short, young Will (you guys were 12) helped patch you guys up once you got to camp, you thought he was cute, Dylan knew, soon Dylan was claimed, and then he cursed you, with the memory of that movie fresh in his fangirl of a mind.

He cursed you with the bad luck of a klutz, being the son of the luck goddess, until you had your first kiss, with "your true love". He'd expected you to trip into their arms like the movie.

This would have ended years ago, you're sixteen(ish), but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remove the curse.

So you're the camp's biggest klutz. Imagine how that works out. No one wants you in their team for any activity, even though you don't bring others had luck, just you. So your team might win, but you'll be the one injured the most.

They're all nice to you, they just avoid being near you for longer than thirty seconds.

This was one of those times. Your team lost Capture the Flag, and of course they blamed you. You were sitting on the ground, in the woods, watching them leave. You told them you wanted to stay a minute.

You didn't say you think your ankle is broken. And you dislocated your shoulder. Cuts and bruises cover your arms and legs, your cheek is swollen from tripping and hitting a tree root, and you have a headache.

Just your luck. Literally.

Will's POV

I sigh as a fresh batch of kids come in from Capture the Flag. I wave them on to my siblings. Most of them just need a little ambrosia, and they're good to go. I don't attend any of them, I wait for my favorite daily patient, (y/n).

But I don't see her. I ask someone where she is, and they shrug. I groan. A lot of campers avoid her, and most of times don't know our care of her whereabouts. I jog out the door, almost running into Percy.

"Hey, have you seen (y/n)?" I ask him. He's one of the few who befriended her, despite her condition.

Percy scratches his neck. "I think I overheard someone talking about a camper who decided to stay behind by Zeus's fist. It might be her, I guess, but I don't know," he says. I know it's her. If she isn't in the infirmary, then she's avoiding everyone.

"Thanks, Percy." I jog off to the woods with my bow and some medical supplies. Why would she stay here all alone? A monster cloud attack, and no one would know.

I find her sitting against Zeus's fist, ignoring me. "(Y/n)? Why aren't you with someone if you're staying out here? You could get attacked," I try not to let anger creep into my tone, but I don't want to see her hurt.

I immediately crouch beside her and scan her over for injuries. "No one would want to stay with me, even if I asked," she groaned, her (h/c) hair covering her face.

"Did you ask?" Silence. "That's what I thought." I wrap up a really bad cut on her arm.

"I don't need to ask, Will. I know the answer, and so do you. No one wants to go near me, let alone stay here with me where a monster would be attracted to my bad luck. This stupid curse won't end until I kiss my "true love", but no one will even hardly talk to me, let alone try to kiss me! I've been alone since I've got here, and I always will be." She looks up at me, and my heart clenches when I see her eyes are red.

I haven't seen her cry since her first year here, when she broke a bone. Now, no matter how bad the injury gets, she doesn't cry. She only cries when she's frustrated. And I can tell she's frustrated, and upset.

"(Y/n), you're not alone."

"Yes, I am." She tries to hide the wince as she tries to get up, but I see it, and I make her sit. She winces again at my hands on her shoulder. Dislocated.

Without warning, I pop it back into place, and she bites her lip to keep from yelping in pain. "What else?"

"My ankle," she whispers. I examine her ankle, it's broken. I make her take my last ambrosia. The bone heals, but I can tell it's still sore. Majority of her cuts fade away, and bruises heal. I hate seeing her hurt, no matter how many times I've seen it.

I sigh, returning to the topic at hand. I look her in the eyes. "No, you're not alone. You have Dylan, your friend since way before camp, and Percy, and Hazel, though she's at Camp Jupiter, and Piper, and Annabeth, and ..... you've got me." I gently place a hand on her cheek, making her look at me. "You'll always have me. I won't leave you, even if you have the worst luck in the world." It's true. I've known her since the day she arrived, and I've seen her almost every day since. I care deeply about her, and I don't care about some luck curse.

I make a quick decision. I lean in until our lips touch, something I've wanted to do for a long while.

Your POV (finally)

You don't know what to do. You just finished complaining about your problems, and just when you thought he dropped the subject, he says he'll never leave you, and then he kisses you. It's slow, and gentle, and perfect. His lips fit perfectly to yours, like a missing puzzle piece.

He pulls back, looking into your eyes. "I won't leave you," he repeats, his warm breath fanning against your face. You look into his blue eyes, and you know he's telling the truth.

Your hand reaches around the back of his head, and you pull him back to you. He holds you carefully, scared to hurt you any worse than you already are. Your lips move with his, never missing a beat.

When you finally separate, you can feel the difference. You don't feel like you're going to fall when you stand. The curse is gone. Your heart hammers in your chest.

"What was that about nobody ever wanting to kiss you?" He grins.

He helps you to your feet, and you don't even feel the pain of your sore ankle.

"I love you, Will Solace," your voice holds absolute surety.

"I love you, (y/n) (l/n)," he matches your tone. He plants one more kiss on your lips before leading you back to camp. You've found your true love.

Now, should you kill your best friend for making you suffer four years of bad luck, or should you thank him for helping you find your true love?

Both. Thank, then kill.


OK, sorry. That's a little cheesy. But I thought it was sweet..... Anyway, sorry for the long one. It's 11:30 because I do all my writing at night.... Even though I need to be up at 6:00.

Oh well. Peace

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