Jason// Mistletoe

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So this was supposed to be posted around Christmas.... obviously that didn't happen. I'm sorry, school really drains me and my creativity sometimes.

       "What?!" You stare, open mouthed, at Annabeth. "What do you mean no Christmas?"

       "Well, campers get each other gifts and stuff, but have you seriously not considered the fact that Christmas comes from Christianity? It is literally celebrating the birth of a religion that is completely different than ours."

       You scrunch your brow. "Yeah, but.... it just seemed like such a normal thing, religious or not."

       Annabeth smiles. "That doesn't mean you can't do Christmas-y stuff. I'm not stopping you from decorating with lights and whatnot."

        Time Skip

      "So, what do you say, Leo?" You tap your fingers impatiently.

      "Yeah, I'll help! I think you should do Christmas-y stuff. I mean, I'm not going to say no to getting me a present...."

       You laugh and thank him. He starts working and you help design. By the end of the day, there's a bronze Christmas tree in the dining pavilion, wreaths on doors, mistletoes, and beautiful light display around the Big House. There's an area around the tree for people to leave gifts for others, which they'll all unwrap at dinner.

       Soon, though, its dinner time. Everyone chitters and chats away during the meal, and Chiron doesn't even notice that you sat with Leo to plan other decorations Afterwards, you get stopped.

       And your heart stops.

       You never truly had a crush (at least not on real people) until you came to camp and met Jason. Not only was he good-looking, he was caring. He was different. He's protective of everyone, and he does what's right. Yet he was tough, a leader, and a fighter.

       He helped introduce you to camp, and you became friends rather quick. After summer ended, you started seeing him less, but he still seemed to enjoy being your friend. Friend.

       "Hey, (Y/n)," he greets you.

       "Oh, hi, Jason. What's up?"

       "Nothing, I just.... wanted to know if you wanted to walk around a little."

       You smile and nod and stroll through camp.

       "What were you and Leo planning at lunch?"

       "Huh? Oh, ah, nothing special."

       "I don't believe you, but ok."

       "Why? Am I not trustworthy?" You joke.

       "I didn't say that!"

       "Relax, Jason, I was joking."

       He laughs a little. "It's almost time for training," he frowns suddenly.

Jason POV

       I frown. I don't really want to stop talking with (Y/n), but its time for training. At least we have training together.

       At the archery range, Will seems happy.

       "Today, we will be doing archery. Obviously. But with a twist. The person with the lowest score gets a truth or dare, at the end of each round. Each person fires once, and we figure out who is farthest from a bullseye."

"I wonder what has him in such a good mood," (y/n) thinks out loud.

"Well no one has seen Nico all day... but maybe Will has..."

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