Chapter 2

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He sat at his desk going through papers. I walked forward and stood next to a chair waiting to be asked to sit down.  Father looked up with his glasses slumped down to the end of his nose showing off his tired eyes. He lifted his hand and gestured to the chair so I sat down.

"Would you care to tell me why I had to send Timothy out to fetch you?" I placed hands in the center of my lap and fiddled with a small ring on my pinky finger.

"I went out for some fresh air and..." He didn't let me finish.

"For three hours and on an important day such as this one?" I watched him look up from what he was doing. An icy glare froze me to the chair.

"If your going to leave the house to make sure to notify the staff and don't you even think about leaving tonight. I'll send a maid to your room to help you get ready." I stood from my chair and started to walk out.

"And Kate  your grounded." He simply said, I just nodded and walked out. Timothy stood there with hopeful eyes.

"Your looking at a corpse Tim, low and behold." I sighed making sure the door was shut. He chuckled slightly before giving me a kind smile.
I was taken up to my room and left there. I sighed falling into my double king sized bed. The only time he ever cares enough
Is when his reputation is at stake. Not like i care for him anymore then he does for me. I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I waved at the door and a maid came in and held the book I got today.

"Mr Timothy said you left this in his car, I'll leave it on your dresser miss." She placed down the book next to the model ship I've had in my room since forever. An old men at war sailors ship of the 17th century. The unicorn, it was given to me when I was younger by my uncle. He thought the name was it's best feature. Standing up from my bed I grabbed the book and started reading, might as well since I can't leave this room for another four hours.

The time went by quickly and as soon as I started this adventurous journey it ended with a knock on the door.

"Miss Johnson I've come to help with with tonight festivities." A lady came in with the dress I was to wear and some other nick nacks that would be put on me. I sighed lightly shutting the book I had just finished placing it in the bookshelf of many in my room, only ever holding books I have read.

"Yes, let's get this over with." My hand left the wooden board as I sat down on a chair so she could put some makeup on me.

"It must be nice having something like this every month." She went on while tying my hair into a bun. About half an hour had past and the chair was getting uncomfortable.

"Some would say, but others would call it a bore and waste of time," I said looking out my opened window, I wish I could have spent tonight watching the sunset on a hill or at least spending it to reread another book.

"Why I couldn't image who wouldn't want to spend a life like yours miss," I rolled my eyes slightly enough so she couldn't see.

"I can think of one." I breathed out.

"I'm sorry miss it wasn't my place to say." She finished with my hair and let me put the dress on.

Looking at myself in the mirror, sure I looked nice. That's what my parents wanted but It wasn't me. Wearing fancy clothing with men fondling over everything I say hoping to become part of my family. Once a month this happens and it takes me a month to recover opening the door I could see my sister Isabella walking down the hall wearing something more expensive and extravagant than mine. They went all out again like always. I also made my way to the ballroom waiting for my infamous death, yet again for the second time today. The hallway was dim-lited and wide holding along the sides paintings among paintings of previous family members. I came to a stop watching as my sister walked down the stairs with grace and tranquility. It made me vomit and people called me a spoiled little brat. I waited another few minutes before moving last time I walked in straight after my father said it was too soon and drew tension away from Isabella. The doors opened on me and I walked out. The one thing my sister could never beat me against was my beauty, even with her being dulled up people found my natural beauty to be even more stunning. I walked down the stairs the room almost quite as I did so, I heard my heels tap into the marble steps as I held the front of my dress so I didn't trip. Timothy stood waiting at the end if the stairs to greet me while a few men looked my way.

 Timothy stood waiting at the end if the stairs to greet me while a few men looked my way

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"Stunning as always Miss Johnson." I looked at his top hat and tie.

"Same to you Tim." I said tapping the front of his hat. It was always a thing for me and him to stick together at advents like this one, even though he's in his late 30s we always stay together. I was given a glass of champagne, gladly accepting it the two of us walked around to one of the far corners.

"Was the isolation torturous like always miss?" He asked.

"Not so much this time because of that book." I finished making him smile.

"Ah yes 4.50 from Paddington, was it a wonderful adventure Miss Johnson?" I giggled and smiled along with him.

"Yes and even more so." We were interrupted by a cough beside me, a younger man around his early 20s stood by me.

"I'm Mr Samuel the son of one of your father's top trading partners." He brought out his hand to shake, I lightly placed my hand in his only for him to bring my hand to his lips to kiss. As he bowed down to do so I could see my father staring daggers at me. Looking at Tim who stood opposite to me he seemed sorry for what I got myself into.

"Ah yes, one of the portly trades?" I said more like a question and he nodded.

"I see you're beautiful and smart." I blushed the slightest. Just because Mister posh man is into me doesn't me I feel the same. But no matter the situation I'll blush every time someone says I'm beautiful.

"Thank you, Mr. Samuel," I said lowering my eyes to the ground trying to remove my hand from His but to no avail.

"Now I insist that you accompany me to this next dance." I blinded twice looking over to Timothy for guidance but he was gone. That snitch.

"It would be my onner," I said curtsying. Even if I hate the fact I'm doing this, if my father hears about me saying no to one of his top trading partners sons I will never hear the end of it.

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