Chapter 4

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I made my way through the dark stone path, the moon was covered by passing clouds that made the streets all that more dark. It was a good night to hide from people, I knew where to go, It had to be somewhere undercover and open all night. The library. I could also find out more about this ship that would curse someone to steal it and to break and enter a house to do it. Taking a sharp turn down the next street I came to the steps to the huge building that held a sigh in golden engravement 'public library' on it. I turned back around and saw no one around. They wouldn't be about to find me around here. They would no nothing about me, only that I owned the ship. But how did they find that out? I shook my head and walked up the stone steps and pushed open the heavy doors. 

It room was lit by almost light post light stands every few feet from each other, with chandeliers. I could see a librarian walking around on the other side of the huge room filled with books and tables with chairs. Other than that from where I was standing no one was around. That's no surprising with how late it is. I could hear myself breath from how quite it was. I heard the strike of thunder and it made me jump from surprise. My eyes looked at the big windows high on the sides of the walls. That goes perfectly with was I'm going through, I guess it needed to be that all more dramatic.

"Can I help you?" I jumped once again from the sudden voice of the librarian. A more elderly woman and she seemed like a nice person. I sighed and composed myself. 

"Uhh yes, I was wondering if you had any books on the ship the Unicorn?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow. For a moment I thought I had done something wrong. 

"Why a young man has all the books on that particular ship." She said smiling. This cannot be a coincidence.  "I'll take you to him." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw bright orange hair. I ignored it until I could see the same man from the market I bumped into. I glanced back at the boy around my age walking out of the library with his coat in hand. What I didn't expect was to see was also the same white furred dog. What does that man know about the unicorn? As I was about to confront the English man the librarian spoke.

"It seems the young man has just left, if you would follow me I'll show you the books." I nodded and looked back but he already left for the door, most likely to follow the boy with the orange hair. I let out a sigh, I'm not going back out there. At least not tonight. She walked me past rows of bookcases and over to the tables. I saw one pile of books in an almost circle shape surrounding a single chair. 

"These are all the books mentioning the ship you requested." She stated walking off leaving me with all the books. 

"Thank you," I said as she walked off. I glanced down at the book that was already opened as I placed my coat on the back of the chair.  It read 

Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall The last captain of the ill-fated unicorn. The ship set sail from Barbados in 1676  ...on one of the most ruinest voyages in maritime history.The ship never reached its destination. attacked by Pirates. All hands lost except for one survivor.When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home -He was convinced his name had been cursed.The Unicorn's manifest stated they were carrying a cargo......of rum and tobacco bound for Europe, was long claimed: "the ship was carrying a secret cargo."   

SO whatever this secret cargo is or was, these people want to find it, it's no surprise just image how much a ship of this size could hold. I thought as I glanced at the ship in the photo. 

  "Historians have tried and discover what happened on that fatal voyage."But, Sir Francis's last words:"Only a true Haddock will discoverThe Secret of the Unicorn." 

I wish I could look at that model ship again. I sighed thinking to myself. I glanced around the room once more and took the scroll from out of my pocket. I guess this is a better time the any to see what this holds. Taking it out of the silver container. It looked as if is was written in old English.  the paper was just as old as well. 

  Three brothers joined three Unicorn in company.Sailing in the noonday sun will speak.For it's from the light.That light will dawn and then shines forth the eagle's cross.  

I read through the paper quite a few times. For once I'm happy my parents made me take poetry classes. So three ships and three brothers. That must be why that man was following him. He must what that boys ship. Not that I know he has one, it's just a hunch. But I'm never wrong. I wasn't sure about the rest I would need to know more about this ship if I'm going to find out. As well as the markings on the bottom of the poem. 

I spent the rest of the night going through old papers and coding books, but it was almost impossible to find anything. This is the worst day of my life. 

"Miss." I groaned still wanting to sleep, I almost didn't get any sleep last night and I was starting to get a headache.

"Miss." Someone repeated, I squinted my eyes open. I sat in the same seat as last night with my head over three books as a pillow, not the first time to happen but never at the public library. 

"Sorry, I uh," I said sitting up looking around to the few people ignoring the fact a person was sleeping in the public area. 

"Your right Miss, It's rear to have someone come all night to read. It's quite refreshing." She smiled at me and I grabbed my coat thinking of the people that might be looking for me.

"But just like everyone else you too need beauty sleep, no go on home, your parents must be worried." I thanked her and walked out. It would have to be only eight in the morning. Good thing the party food filled me for a good while. I needed to find out about those people that came for the ship but where to start? 

"Miss Johnson." I whipped around and saw a man in a red coat and glasses. I squinted my eyes at him, he's the made from last night. 

"Yes?" I said taking a step away from him, he saw my actions.

" I've come to take you back to the estate." He said with his hands behind his back. I'm sure he could pull off the butler act but not if the person knows there lying.

"And would you also be taking back that ship?" I questioned him raising an eyebrow. A smirk landed on his face, I felt a cloth cover my mouth.

"What a sharp young woman you are Miss Johnson." Was the last thing I heard as I tried to grasp for air and watched as my world faded into a dark blackness. 

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