Extra chapter 2 (Lemon)

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So the other day I noticed something..... This story has now 10K reads!!! Like what! Its been first in the Tintin hashtag for so long now thank you so much for enjoying this story. To celebrate and because I noticed chapters like this normally don't exist for Tintin books this chapter is a lemon. (you don't have to read it.)

We'd been dating for a year now and it was apparent after the next times I'd fallen asleep at Tintin house and the two of us taking a nap in my library that we were perfectly comfortable with one another.

The first few times I fell asleep at Tintin's house Tim came over thinking I was taken yet again and I had to apologise for Tim's behaviour. But now as long as Tim knows I'm with Tintin I'm allowed to stay the night without interruption. Myself having many talks with Tim about the matter itself and what it could lead to. That whole conversation lead to me blushing.

Tintin had only recently gotten back from one of his adventures and was new writing up his next story in his study while I sat on the couch by the fire reading one of his books. I was to talk Tim when I wanted to leave like always but the telephone was always too far for me to reach and it was already past 10. I dought he would take the journey...... That's what I tell myself at least.

At last Tintin cane out from his study with a light groan trying to relax his shoulders. He lightly smiled walking over, I set down my book on the round table next to the couch.

"How's the story going?" I questioned placing both hands to his shoulders giving Tintin a light massage.

"Let's not talk about work now, you've been waiting hours for me and I want to make the most of it before you have to leave." Nodding, not saying anything more I leant my head against his shoulder scooting closer in a calming manner. Some time past and my body became sleepy. This always happens.

"Kate." I realized that Tintin had been watching me as he normally did and whenever I'd ask him about it he'd respond with you're too beautiful not to stare with a blush on his face. Letting out a sigh I looked up to him. Tintin was smiling before he lent towards my lips. It was still new to me every time we kissed I had to remind myself we'd been together for half a year. Tintin brought his hand to the side of my face moving my long brown hair away, tucking it behind my ear.

"You're too perfect. I love you." I smiled joining our lips again for a passionate kiss for a response. Those words have been said since the fourth month of us dating and I never get tired of it. Slowly Tintins hand travelled down to my own hand, intertwining our fingers his other hand snuck behind my head to gently move me to a pillow on the couch. It hadn't been so intense before, so needy, maybe because we hadn't seen one another for a few weeks due to him disappearing from an unfortunate situation with the Captain but either way as our lips collide together I knew something was going to happen tonight as did Tintin. Our tongues parted and we panted staring at one another. Tension grew. "Did you want to?" I gasped as his lips travelled to my jaw.

"Tintin." I breathed grasping his shoulders tilting my head back against the pillow feeling as my breath hitched. His fingers inched upwards towards the buttons of the dress I wore.

"May I?" Nodding slowly Tintin brought his hand to the first button going down one by one while kissing along my collar bone. " You're so beautiful." Complements spilt out of Tintin's mouth as he slipped off the dress. I wasn't wearing anything too fancy since I wasn't thinking something like this would happen. But Tintin didn't seem to mind when his eyes wondered over my body. Gliding my hands over his shirt I pulled him forward for a kiss. Tintin pulled off his sweater breaking the kiss for a moment then after I started unbuttoning his shirt. When his chest was exposed we both thought it'd be more appropriate for us to finish this in his bedroom. Making sure to be quite walking up the next set of stairs I giggled when Tintin tickled his fingers across my bare stomach as he opened the bedroom door. Fumbling with our clothes our lips moved softly against one another til I tapped the bed with the back of my leg.

"Tintin." I moaned has my bare chest was fondled with. Both hands glided through Tintin's short orange hair tugging slightly.

"Great snakes." Tintin murmured under his breath when slipping off my last piece of clothing. "You're so....so." Tintin was lost for words. When seeing me giggle he blushed. Lifting both arms up I pulled Tintin back down to me. As we made out I felt a hand snake down my stomach starting to massage my inner thigh making me sigh. My lips parted being out of breath and when feeling his fingers move against my most sensitive area my back arched. His skilful hands pulled down my undergarments forcing a moan to escape my lips. I'd never been so exsposed in front of another. My cheeks reddened watching Tintin stare for a moment. Getting out of his daze he grasped my upper thigh to move himself closer towards me. "You are stunning." He seemed out of breath when saying so. My blush thickened when noticing a bulge in between his legs. Gulping become nervous once again Tintin pushed down my underwear making my head tilted up. Panting is while gripping the sheets my eyes shut tightly.

"Tintin I...." My sentence was cut short when two fingers slid up and down my entrance a few times. My eyes began to water. Nothing comes close to this feeling.

"You're dripping." He murmured to mostly himself but I hummed jerking suddenly making Tintin grip one side of my hip to keep me from moving. Gasping quietly when a finger slid inside I bit my lip as it swirled around.

"T-Tintin." He looked shocked over how sensitive I was. Pulling out I was panting while looking to the ceiling.

"I'm going to put it in now." Blushing deeply I looked back into Tintin's eyes and nodded. Wrapping ourselves in an embrace he pushed in gaining a gasp from me. It felt so strange. My heart was racing as was Tintin's then when he started moving my whole body jolted.

"Ahhh f-faster." I blushed from my own words but Tintin complete obliged thrusting faster within seconds. Scratching up his back he groaned as I started to see stars. Who knew intercourse only lasted a few minutes? My legs shook wrapping around his lower waist and with a few more sloppy thrusts Tintin was also finished.

"Kate you're so amazing." He panted lying next to me and I smiled kissing his nose.

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