Extra chapter!!

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Oh my goodness! I can't believe this story has just over 5K reads! I just wrote this for fun because I enjoyed the movie so much, thanks for reading this story and to thank everyone I've added an extra chapter!


"Miss Johnson, Mr Tintin is at the door." I heard one of the maids speak against the door. I glanced up my book I was reading The Silver Chalice by Thomas B. Costain.

"I'll be down in a minute," I spoke shutting the book and placed it down on the bed. Tintin asked me out on a proper date and of course, I accepted. My father found out who Tintin was and apparently likes his work in the paper. He's letting me date him for now at least. straightening out my outfit I walked out of my room. I was met with a maid who went ahead of me down the hall. Having my hands in front of me holding my handbag as I stepped down the stairs to meet the eyes of Tintin. A smile landed on his face as he watched me walk up to him.

"Shall we be off." He smiled gesturing me to link my arm with his.

"We shall." I grinned linking my arm with his. The doors were opened by two maids letting the sunlight shine on to the stone pavement of the interior and in due course Tintin and I as he leads me over to a small yellow car. It was cute and the roof was pulled down making it more exciting. Tintin opened the door for me which I rewarded him with a light kiss to his cheek. The drive was calming, a pleasant silence spread between the both of us as Tintin drove towards the location of the date to which I didn't know about.

"Where's snowy? I would have liked to see him, it's been a few days." Tintin glanced over for a moment before looking at the road again.

"With the captain, I didn't want our date to be interrupted or get distracted by snowy and the captain." I giggled at his stubbornness. Tintin really wants some alone time with me. "That's why I haven't told anyone of the location of our outing today."
I wonder what he's got installed for today?

"Do tell, I've been pondering about it for the past day." He chuckled softly removing a hand from the clutch to my hand holding it for a few moments.

"I'm not saying anything." Rolling my eyes playfully it was another ten minutes until the car was stopped. London zoo, in big letters across a small distance, came to view.

"The zoo.... I haven't been in years." Smiling over at him, Tintin opened my door taking my hand to help me.

"I asked your sister for advice." He cheekily said getting out a basket along with a blanket.

"And a picnic? What are we waiting for? Let's go." Grabbing Tintin's hand I lead to two of us to the large metal gate. A heard of children sprinted past us followed by out of breath parents.

It was an excellent day for a picnic, the sun was out and it wasn't too crowded in the field in the centre of the zoo. Sighing out as I lay down on the blanket stretching out my legs, relaxing from all the walking.

"Have you enjoyed the day so far?" Opening an eye to gaze over I nodded.

"It's been very enjoyable." Leaning myself up slightly kissing him softly but the romantic moment ended when we heard a bark and snowy jumped on to my lap. "What are you doing here?" I asked the small white dog.

"Thundering typhoons that manging dog and his bloody four legs!" The captain came running over to us holding onto his hat. "Hi, Kate and Mr Tintin I uhhh fancy seeing you here." I smiled weakly but when turning my head to Tintin he didn't seem impressed.

"I specifically told you to stay away from us today." Tintin grabbed my hand pulling me up from the ground taking me away from them.

"Do we have to leave them?" I questioned making him stop in his tracks. "I mean the captain will end up releasing a loin if we leave him with snowy." The sandwiches were already being eaten by snowy while haddock pulled on his tail trying to get him to stop.

"You're right." He sighed letting go of my hand

"I know." I grinned back to him calling over snowy. The dog ran into my arms and I gave him a quick cuddle.

"Alright let's go find the whiskey." The captain rubbed his hands together making me shake my head.

"There is no alcohol here, it's a zoo, not a bar." Putting snowy down the captain yelled in annoyance.

"Not even a little." I continued to shake my head as we walked towards a hill to watch the sunset. We all sat down enjoying the calming view formed by multiple coloured sky slowly drifting into darkness. Tintin held my hand as I lent my head on his shoulder. It was calm and quite honestly too quite for the captain. We both heard a snore, looking over at the captain he was leaning against a tree by us asleep and only after ten minutes.

"That man sure is a piece of work." Tintin sighed softly looking back to me with a smile.

"He sure is." A small whimper escaped me before our lips clashed together. He tangled one hand through my long brown hair and the other to my waist. I moved my hands to the base of Tintin's neck moving my mouth with his. Slowly I felt the ground under me but was almost too distracted by Tintin venturing into my mouth intertwining his tongue with mine making a small gasp come from me.

"Teenagers and there reeved up emotions. You might as well get a room and finish the deed." We parted panting for air, the captain stood wide awake starting to walk down the hill.

"Shall I escort you home." Tintin glanced back to me before helping the two of us up.

"Probably best, Timothy probably thinks I've been kidnapped again."

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