Chapter 10

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My eyes flickered open as I looked up at a ceiling, what am I doing here?I thought as I tilted my head up to see some covers on me. How did I get here? As I sat up in the bed the door opened.

"Ha Miss Johnson you're awake!" A man stood there a sat up on the bed and then Tintin came into view. 

"Yes it does seem that way," I said moving the covers off me. I was still wearing the same clothes. The door shut and I stood. " Were you the one to take us here?" I asked looking in a mirror to brush my hair slightly to get the knots out. 

"Why yes, I'm Lieutenant Delcourt. Welcome to the Afghar Outpost." He said was a cheer in his voice. A slam of the door and Haddock came into the room.

"Why your finally awake Kate!" Haddock stated putting on his hat ready to go. Snowy barked at my feet, I smiled and patted him.

"I'm guessing I was out for a while?" I said gazing up at the three men in the room.

" It did not matter, I had to deal with the Captain," Tintin said staring over at the captain.

"What did I miss here?"
I looked at Haddock and Tintin. I was only out for a few hours and I missed a whole chunk of important information.

"I'll tell you on the way to Bagghar," Tintin said grabbing my hand and out of the door very quickly. 

"Uh ok then," I said following him.


It didn't take us long to travel to Bagghar on the camels we were giving. Taking us only half a day we finally saw the city in front of us. Because there were only two camels for us to take I sat behind Tintin with snowy on my lap. 

"He's here," Tintin spoke pointing over to the docks where the ship was pulling up. 

Making it down to the market place it was filled with people, buying and selling goods. Getting water from pipes with buckets in their hands to drink from. It was hard to move around with people constantly trying to sell me things. 

"It's no good. They could be anywhere." Haddock said jogging behind the two of us. I continued to look around from anyone I knew. But with all the people it was impossible. 

"Kate. Captain." I looked back at Tintin and he pulled me closer.  "Don't look now, but we're being followed." I glanced back while still looking at Tintin and saw two men with a hood covering their faces. 

"Yes, we are," Haddock said cracking his knuckles and head at the same time. Walking past an archway I was pulled out of sight with Tintin sticking their feet out and the men fell to the ground. 

"What do you want?, Why are you following us?" Tintin said staring them down, but this didn't last long because Haddock pushed Tintin out of the way and he bumped into me. 

"Who are you working for?" He shouted pulling them up and down by their collars so they hit the ground hard. This was a little rash. I saw that Tintin noticed that he knew the two men and grabbed Haddock. 

"Captain, stop! Stop!" I said stopping him from what he was doing. 

"Thompson and Thomson." I had no idea who these men were but they had complete matching outfits, it would be hard not to think they were twins. 

"Not so loud." One of the two said as Tintin helped them to stand up. 

"We're in disguise." The other said, from looking at them the only thing different was their voices but even then knowing who was who baffled me. 

"So I see. You got the message I sent from the ship?" They started their conversation Haddock didn't seem to know them any more than me. I stood there just waiting until it was finished. 

"Yes, well, a bit of a long story, that." It seemed like it would be considering they had to get all the way here. 

"The upshot is we caught the thief, retrieved your wallet, and then hopped on the next plane to Bagghar. Also getting a request to look out for Kate Johnson that I'm sure...." One of the two stopped when seeing me.

"Oh, that would be me." I laughed a little at the fact my parents are even looking for me. The two detectives looked at one another then back at me. 

"Yes well, that pocket picker has picked his last pocket." They went on, getting out of his pocket what would have been Tintin wallet. 

"There. Don't worry. He didn't take any money." He said handing it to him. 

"It's not the money I'm worried about." He said walking off to the side flipping through the contains of his wallet. He brought out the scroll and looked happy once again.  "The odds are even." he turned to the four of us. We went out back to the main Street. The crowd had slightly cleared.

"Now, to find the next two scrolls." Tintin said turning to the front of an arch way he looked up and his eyes went wide.

"The Milanese Nightingale." He said I looked at the poster being put up on the huge arch way to see the white printed text.
"That's his secret weapon?" He said after the poster was rolled open to show a woman. I meataly hit myself, that's why I knew the name. She's an opera singer my mother loves.

"What a dish." I cocked an eyebrow at Haddock looking as if he was going to drool. I rolled my eyes.

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