chapter 14

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I stood out in front of my house. Haddock and Tintin were behind me staring at the place I call home with shock in their eyes.

"I'll be back, Just wait out here ok," I said ignoring the looks they gave the house. Knocking on the door and Timothy came into view. A bright smile came from me seeing his tired eyes. 

"Hey Tim, did you miss me," I said making him look up at me before grabbing me in a tight hug.

"What are you talking about of course not." He said I was almost unable to breathe. Standing back he coughed.

"Sorry about that." He said and I laughed shaking my head. Moving to the side I walked in. Tim was about to follow me but he noticed the men behind me.

"Uh, and who is this Miss?" I looked back and waved for them to come forward. Tim looked at me again confused.

"They helped me get back after I was taken," I said as Tintin and Haddock also walked into the house.

"Wait you were taken! Everyone thought you ran away." I hit the side of my head and let out a sigh. 

"Kate you've returned!" I knew that voice and my eyes went wide. I could see Mr. Samuel coming down the stairs. 

"Mr. Samuel?" I said as he came up to me for a hug. I quickly dodged him leaving him surprised. Has he been staying here since I left? 

"Not right now Mr. Samuel, I need to speak to my father," I said turning away but he didn't stop and grabbed my hand.

"Then I'll come with you." He said I turned to glare at him. 

"Get off me!" I said pulling his hand from mine. "After what you tried to pull you think I'll just blindly follow you?" I said walking up the stairs. That man. I walked the rest of the stairs. I heard Tim jog up beside me. 

"You better sort this out with your father because a lot happened when you left." He said to me.

"What do you mean by that?" 

"Your father agreed for him to marry you." He spoke and my eyes went wide.

"That would have been nice information when I walked in the door, Timothy!" I whisper shouted at him. This can't get any worse. Fathers office door was now a few feet in front of me. Timothy knocked on the door.

"I'm going to destroy my demon," I growled at Tim and he showed a slightly disturbed smile as he opened the door for me. 

Father stood there with the normal glare on his face, he must have watched me from his window again. He's like a damn ghost haunting me. 

"Father there is something I've come to say," I said walking into the room and taking a seat before he said I was allowed to. Raising an eyebrow he didn't say anything.

"You've always loved Isabella and treated her like a daughter, but with me, I'm nothing to you but a convenience." He put his glasses on a pile of papers in front of him.

"And how are you a convenience to me?" He said putting his hands under his chin.

"Mr. Samuel, you're trading partners son, you want me to marry him," I said crossed my arms and legs. Father let out a long sigh and stood from his chair. 

"You don't seem to understand that I'm your father and you'll do what I say." He said calmly walking around his desk. I watched him carefully as he stood above me.  "If I say you're going to Marry a man, that is what you will do." I frowned and also stood from my seat.

"I'm tired of doing what you say, I won't go through with it!" I shouted and that's when I felt a stinging feeling on my right cheek. He slapped me, I watched as his eyes darkened. 

"I am your father you listen to me!" That's when the door was swung open. Timothy and to my dismay Isabella. Both their eyes fixated on me and father standing in the middle of the room. 

"What do you think you're doing. Timothy take Isabella out while I deal with this pest." Father said about to slap me again. But the sting never came, I blinked and looked at Timothy holding back my father's hand. 

" Don't you think there is a better way to go about this sir," Timothy said staring down my father. I stumbled back and still held my cheek. 

"This is none of your business Timothy!" He shouted. 

"Father!" The room went quite and I was stumped for words to see Isabella standing in front of me ready to take a hit for me. 

"What did Kate do to get this kind of treatment from you, all her life you have despised her and for what!" I've almost never even spoken to Isabella, let alone hear her shout like this. 

"Isabella..." Father said getting out of Timothy's grip. 

"I don't want to hear it." She said and when turning to me. "I'm sorry for never being there for you, I was told to not speak to you and I listened." She bit her lip and clenched her fists. "But I think its about time I do something for myself for once and face the consequences." She said looking as if she was holding in the tears. "Go, I'll deal with him." I nodded and grabbed Timothy's wrist. I needed to get a change of clothes. 

"Timothy you go down and wait with Tintin and Haddock while I get a change of clothes ok." Nodding he went in the opposite direction to me. My room was the same as it was when I left, I walked over to my closet to find something better to wear. 

Slipping on my shoes I ran out of my room to meet the others

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Slipping on my shoes I ran out of my room to meet the others. I came down the stairs to see Timothy holding Mr. Samuel and Tintin back from each other. They both looked at me as I walked down the stairs and regained their composure. 

"Well, Tim I'm going now." I smiled at him patting his shoulder. 

"Where are you going now, Miss Johnson?" He said and I just continued to walk out the door. 

"Just to finish something, I'm gonna need to borrow one of the cars," I said walking down the steps to where we kept all the cars with Tintin and Haddock following. 

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