Chapter 15

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We've been driving around for a while now. I sat next to Tintin as we drove around following the coordinates. I let out a sigh tilting my head back to look up at the clear blue sky. 

"Almost there, Mr. Tintin! A nudge to starboard should do it." Haddock said, I looked over at him and watched him look through the almost telescope like contraption he was using.  

"Are you sure we're on course?" I said not convinced about where we were going. 

 "Trust me, laddie. I know these parts like the back of my hand." I laughed quietly to myself and looking back to the road ahead. "Starboard! Quickly! Quickly!" He suddenly shouted. 

"Aye, Captain, starboard it is!" Tintin said turning into the brushing on our right. I held the side of the car. This just got interesting. I thought to myself as we drove past trees and branches.

"All stop!" Haddock shouted out and I looked at the building in front of us.

"Marlinspike Hall," Haddock said more like a whisper. This was in the book I was reading about the unicorn. 

"Those coordinates lead here. And this is where Sir Francis hid it?" Tintin looked back at both Haddock and I. 

"I thought the treasure went down with the ship," I said and looked up to see the door open to show a butler. 

"Master Haddock, Mr. Tintin, Miss Johnson, I've been expecting you." It's funny, come how he reminds me of Tim. He walked us in and we left the car out front. 

"Welcome to Marlinspike Hall." He said holding out his hand that gestured to the whole place. 

"Will you look at this place? I don't think it's changed at all since I was a wee boy." He seemed like he was in awe as he looked around. The place looked like it was half way through renovating and I coughed from all the dust in the air.  

"And may I say, sir, how much I'm looking forward to having a Haddock back in charge of the estate." The butler spoke holding his hands behind his back. Yep definitely like Tim.

"You'll be waiting a long time, Nestor. There's no way I could afford to live here!" Haddock said still looking around the front room we were still in. 

"Well, Captain, you know the house. Where do we start?" Tintin spoke walking over to Captain. 

"Is the cellar still here?" He spoke pointing down at the ground. Nestor nodded his head and took us down to the cellar. Opening the doors Haddock ran in, I looked around the dark cold room not really seeing anything. I smiled watching snowy playing with the other dog. It was cute. 

"No, no, no, no, this isn't it. I meant the other cellar." I cocked an eyebrow at Haddock, there's never more than one cellar in a house. 

"I'm sorry, sir, there is no "other cellar. " I giggled but made sure no one heard it. 

"It was bigger than this." I scratched the back f my head and saw Tintin look behind him. 

"Snowy." He said and I followed him over to the wall.

"Snowy, where are you?" The other dog started barking wondering where his friend went. 

"No, Hector." The butler said holding the dog back. 

"Captain, Kate, help me." Tintin said and I started helping the two of them move random objects away from the wall. 

"Snowy?" I said as Tintin moved the last chair out of the way, Snowy came into view and I smiled. 

"Just like you said, Captain. You hit a wall..." Tintin said to Haddock making the older man grin 

" push through it."Haddock finished for him and I stood back when they grabbed a pillar to smash through the brick wall. 

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