Chapter Twenty-Five - Fight for the Omega

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Dean pondered the wolfs words for many days hence. He had said that he may find a mate that was better suited for him, however, was that not dean? On the same thought, dean remembered of Adam, the alpha that lived within the woods that Castiel had fallen in love with over the years that he had spent here. Was he the alpha that Castiels wolf talked about?

There were too many questions and Fire would not give Dean enough thought time alone to ponder them all thoroughly. They only rested when Fire wanted to rest, and all other times were spent hunting and running the wild.

There was definitely a playful edge to fire however. Sometimes he was restless, even after running all day and night. When Dean had said he needed to stop, Fire was still so full of energy. So instead of focusing his mind on trying to rest while they could, he had begun playing with Dean.

It begun with the Fire wolf tugging at Deans tail and making the alpha snap at him angrily. However, this was apparently the wrong thing to do as he did it over and over again after that to make Dean chase him around tree trunks and into low lake water. They both came out of the water dripping wet, one wolf as moody as a mother cat and the other galloping around and shaking his wet black fur so it stood up on all ends.

I need rest. Dean cast out the thought more to the gods than too the wolf but the wolf was the one that answered.

Human weakling. It replied savagely playfully. And you believe that you can be THIS WOLFS alpha. You cannot even keel up with the wolf.

Before Dean could answer, Fires ears shot up and he gave a sniff of the hair.

Another comes.

Who? Dean asks, trying to sniff. But the problem was there were so many other odours of the forest and his nose was not as well trained as his eyes. He had to work on that.

If the wolf knew, it would have said it's name. Dean could almost see the sarcastic eye roll. Smells familiar.

Adam. Dean thought more to himself than to the wolf but Fire looked at him curiously.

The alpha male? It asked which made Dean angry. Is that truly how Castiel thought of Adam. He did not voice his opinions however and waited for the figure to appear.

It seems you are right, grey wolf. Fire snuffed again, his keen eyes making out the figure approaching. Perhaps he is better suited for this wolf.

Leave it. Dean growled, the hair in the back of his neck standing up. I will deal with this.

Let me.

NO! Dean snapped his teeth at the omega and surprising it actually cowered away, putting his head down to the floor in submission. It whined slightly and lifted and eyebrow curiously as Dean strolled off towards the human that was approaching.

Adam looked down at the wolf, cocking his head to one side before dean slowly transformed into a human. Adams eyes went slightly wide but then his jaw and face set in anger.

"You exile me from your lands but think you can wander around my territory with no consequences."

"I'm teaching Castiel to control his wolf." Dean replied easily, knowing the mention of Castiel would perk the alphas interest.

"He's here? In his wolf form? Isn't that a bit dangerous." Both dean and Adam remembered the wolf snapping at them, claws and teeth burning hot and ready to kill. Dean only shrugged smugly.

"Yes it is. But he seems to respect me." Adam was looking at dean but it wasn't long before his eyes cast over Deans shoulder. Dean spun around to find the omega crawling up to them silently.

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