Chapter Eight - Greece

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Dean had felt that they were so close that night, so he didn't fully understand when everything went back to the way it had been the very next morning. They had woken up, dean still spooning Castiel from behind but the omega had shimmied out of the alphas grip and walked out of the room as soon as he had gotten dressed. Dean hadn't seen him for the rest of the day.

The alpha understood that Castiel was angry but, he thought that he'd earned a little bit more respect. He gave a nickname and everything. He had voiced these arguments to Sam who just snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Wow. A nickname. Yeah, that's gonna make him be happy and come running into your arms." He says sarcastically and Dean leaves the room feeling more frustrated than he did when he walked in. What made things worse was the news he got straight after this from his father.

"Looks like we're at war, kid." John says, sighing as he sits beside his son at the lunch table. 

"What?!" Dean shouted, looking at his father with wide eyes. John sighs and nods his head, looking back sadly. 

"I didn't want to tell you this because i thought that it may distract you from being a newly wed. But things haven't been sorted with Greece. In fact, they have gotten a lot worse."

Castiel came in at that moment and sat along the lunch table, sitting down and picking food up off of plates to put onto his own. Dean barely even recognised that he was there, he was too shocked by the news. He didn't know that Castiel could hear every part of their conversation.

"Yep. The king of Greece reckons that there is a threat of invasion coming from here and has declared war upon us."

"Was there a threat of invasion?" Dean asks through gritted teeth. There hadn't been a war here since his mother died. 

"Look son, Greece has fallen into decay and despair. Their lands are not as well kept and the economy is falling. If we don't invade, then someone else will and take over it. We need to act first. Sometimes, hard decisions must be made."

"But dad, their army is twice the size of ours. Most of their work comes from the army, that is their whole economy. We would lose a war with them." Dean was panicking. All the training he had done could never have prepared him enough for an actual war, especially with Greece. 

Castiel stood up quickly and walked over to the two men, frowning slightly. Just as John  was about to say something else, Castiel interrupted him.

"You can't go to war with Greece." He said and both alphas looked up at him. 

"I beg your pardon."

"You can't go to war with Greece." Castiel repeated, more firmly this time. 

"Look, Castiel. I know you want to help. But i have been ruling for all of my adult life. It's time Dean needs to learn too. We know what we are doing."

Castiel tried to say something else but John turned back to his son and started talking battle tactics. Castiel looked even more pissed than the night before and he soon stormed out of the hall, towards the compartments. Dean didn't think twice about it. 

*** Three weeks later***

Dean was too busy planning for battle to go out with friends anymore. Every evening he was so tired he would just fall to sleep next to a very pissed off Castiel. It seemed like the little omega was always like this nowadays, but Dean didn't know how else to apologise for leaving in the middle of his rut. He had told the young omega that he wouldn't do it again.

Dean for a moment had thought that maybe it wasn't because of the whole rut ordeal anymore, but he couldn't think of any other reason why Castiel would be angry at the alpha. So he just settled on that.

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