Chapter Fourteen - Training the Wolf

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Castiel Winchester could not control his wolf. That is what he meant when he didn't want to hurt anyone, but it was the only way he knew how to break up the fight between the two alphas. It sure did work but once he changed, he lost off the compassion and the care in the world because his wolf didn't care. The only thing the wolf wanted was blood.

Cas was still conscious, but his mind was changed. He was angry and animal like as he stalked around the courtyard, growling low in his throat. Most people that had been stood in the courtyard had already fled, but some still stood, wondering what was going to happen next.

Both Adam and dean had transformed back into their humans and was staring at Castiels wolf who was snarling at them and circling them steadily, ready to pounce on them at any given moment. If either of the two alpha made a sudden movement, both of them would probably be dead within the second, but luckily none of them moved.

"Cas." Dean spoke, his voice low in his throat at he slowly moved his hand, ye palm of it facing towards Castiel as a sign of defeat. "Everything is okay now, you can change back,"

But the wolf wasn't the same as Castiel. He didn't listen to reason. Instead he took a few more steps towards the two alphas, its fiery face so close to theirs that it could almost melt their faces off of their bone if they got any closer.

Castiel was silent and suddenly, making everyone who was left in the courtyard jump, he howled loudly before snapping his jaws at the young alphas and turning to run out of the courtyard and towards the woodlands.


Almost a month, Castiel was gone for. There had been patrols every day and night, sometimes dean would lead them and sometimes he would stay behind in case Castiel came back. He had sent Adam back home with his tails between his legs because dean had finally clocked him in the face with his large fist.

"I never want to see your face around here again. You're banished from Lawrence, do you understand?" Dean had said as he raised his fist again and had hold of the other alphas collar. Adam had nodded and ran off, back into the woods.

When Dean realised this he mentally slapped himself, realising he had just sent Adam back to the very place Castiel was. But the woods were large and it was very unlikely for Adam to find Castiel, especially if deans own men couldn't even find him.

The month was almost up when Castiel came home, back to his regular human form. He was covered in filth and dirt from the month without any bath and his eyes were still slightly wild as he limped into the castle grounds. Dean was the first one out to greet him and he breathed a large sigh of relief at the sight of Castiel relatively okay and safe. He also resisted the urge to bring him into a long hard hug.

"You're okay! Thank Zeus." Dean held his heart and Castiel looked up at him guiltily.

"I'm so sorry, dean. I didn't want you to see that."

"You mean your wolf?" Dean asks. "It was amazing, Castiel. Beautiful even."

"I can't control it." Castiel butted in, looking down at the ground shamefully. "I've tried so many time before but... it's like it has a mind of its own."

Dean nodded in understanding and placed his hand on Castiels shoulder.

"Do you want me to help you?" Dean asks quietly and cas looks back up at him in confusion.

"Help me?"

"Yeah. Help you control it. We could lock the courtyard up and you can be in it when you change so you are unable to leave or hurt anyone. I think the more time you spend being your wolf, the more you will be able to learn about it. Does it always catch fire like that?"

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