Chapter Forty-Two - 24 Hours

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Castiel was lost. As lost as you could get in the underworld. He knew there were not many places to hide in a place like this but tried his best to keep away from prying eyes. He was under some kind of bridge in which, when he looked closer, he could see that it was made of bones. The bridge was mainly white but there were some splotches of black where parts of the bone was rotting away and he shuddered and stood away from it, carrying on with his journey towards Hades tower. He needed to get back home. He didn't belong here.


Dean could feel his heart rate slowing down and he struggled to breathe. He was dying, but he knew that this would only last 24 hours. Plenty of time right? He could feel himself drifting out of consciousness until everything was black, still and silent. He had died.

It felt like a life time before he finally jolted awake, gasping for air which was more a subconscious action then the actual need for air. He slowly got up, looking around him slowly and realised he was stood on liquid. It made him nervous and he quickly looked around again to see a small boat bobbing in the water. He steadily made his way over to it and sat down steadily but the boat never moved a muscle.

He had read enough stories to know what to do next and quickly reached into his pocket to pull out two coins and lay them down on the stern of the small boat. As soon as the silver pennies touched the wood the boat started drifting towards a large black gate and Dean instantly knew this was the entrance to the underworld.


The place was sapping Castiels life force. He groaned as he trudged along the paved street and held onto the brick houses for rest whenever he could. His mouth was parched and he struggled to breathe which was just another example of how he did not belong here. People who were really dead didn't need to breathe. Nature worshippers should not be walking around underworld like this, it was killing him. If he didn't hurry he would be stuck down here forever. He had to talk to Hades, there had been some kind of mistake.

Cas looked in the distance and could see the twin peaks of the huge black castle. He gulps the lump down that had started forming in his throat and trudges up the huge mountain towards the dark castle.


"Penny for the ferryman" a cold hand reaches out to Dean and Dean fumbles around his pockets to bring out some change and give it to the ferryman. Dean couldn't see his face under the large hood he was wearing but he was also sure he didn't want to see it either. Dean got on the rickety boat and it slowly started drifting down the river of sorrow.

Wails and moans drifted from the water below and Dean tried with all of his might to ignore them, it almost felt like the sounds were trying to drag his soul down into the depths with them. Dean needed to focus. He also needed this damn boat to go a little faster. He only had 24 hours to find Castiel, only 24 hours to bring him home. If that was even possible.


Cas knew he couldnt just walk up to the front gates and knock on the door, he wasn't even sure there was a front door. There were extremely high windows however, and Cas knew that this was his best bet at getting into the castle. Maybe he could find an open one?

He stood staring up at the castle, frowning and sighing to himself. Let's face it, there was definitely not going to be an open window and he was going to have to break into THE Hades  home. He may as well jump into the river of sorrows right now and get it over and done with. Here goes nothing.

He picked up a large rock from the ground and broke the glass with it, making sure to make a big enough hole for him to crawl through.

When he was in he quickly hid and tried to make sense of his surroundings. He was I'm a huge hall, not too different to his and Dean's one back home. Home. Oh how Castiels heart wrenched at the very thought that he may never step foot into that hall again. How he would never sleep in his bed again. How he would never sleep in Dean's arms again. He choked down a sob and shook his head. He needed to focus.

Before he could step another foot out of his hiding spot though, he was met by a massive head of a humongous dog. And then another. And then another.


"Fuck, indeed." A female voice sung from behind the body of the three headed dog. "Castiel, I presume?"


Once Dean's feet were finally on solid ground, he realised how queezy he was. This place was like living in a drug induced dream, he didn't belong here. But neither did Cas, he had to get his husband. Dean stood up straught after catching his breath and trying to get his mind clear and looked around the hazy landscape.

"Now, if I were a crazy weird omega, where would I go?" He mutters to himself.

He looked up and saw it in the distance, a big black looming thing that stood up high atop a mountain. Dean grimaced and sighed in annoyance.

"Of course. Can't just stay in one place, no no he has to trudge up a friggin mountain."

Dean set off walking, making sure to stay to the shadows, he didn't want anyone to know a mortal had entered the underworld, that wouldn't end well at all.

For years to come Dean would try and forget what he was on that road with his mortal eyes, but the sights would always be there whenever he would close his eyes. They would make up wake up in a cold sweat sometimes, or they would drag him down into a deeper sleep that he couldn't escape. Some things were better left unsaid or unwritten, somethings were just to horrifying to describe, but Dean was a perserverer, and he was also in love. He wasn't going to let untold horrors stop him from saving the love of his life. Only problem was, Castiel was extremely capable of saving himself, and Dean Winchester sometimes forgot how powerful his husband truly was.

A/N: is this... Is this an update?? What????

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