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The alpha didn't want to get married. He was happy being single and free, able to be with whatever omega, beta or even another alpha he wanted. True, he had never knotted anyone, but he wasn't really interested in making anyone officially his. Which is why he got extremely pissed off with his father for wanting to set him up with someone.

"Dean, can you stop complaining and act like a alpha for one moment of your life? You're 23 years old for
Gods sake." The king said, sitting up at his desk slightly and frowning at Dean sternly. Dean huffs and crosses his arms across his chest before looking away for his father, clicking his tongue angrily.

John cleared his throat and moved some papers around on his desk before standing up and leaning against his desk, thinking about what he was going to say next. He looked at his son and shook his head. His son was an attractive young man but the problem was, Dean knew it. John knew that the only way he could get Dean to agree to any kind of marriage, was to get Dean the best god damn omega he had ever seen in his life.

"There's a family-" john started and Dean looked back at him, signing slightly. "A family of alphas. They are from Greece which as you know, that is where our kind originated from."

Dean nodded slightly, but his eyes and his manner seemed extremely bored and irritated with the conversation.

"This family... they are originals." Silence. "Do you understand what that means, dean?"

Dean shook his head and john signed and nodded.

"It means that they come from the very first omega and alpha and have never married outside of other omegas or alphas. However the problem is.. they haven't had an omega in their family for over a hundred years. They've married omegas from other families sure, but never actually given birth to an omega-"

"Where are you going with this, dad?" Dean snapped and sighed before shuffling on his feet slightly.

"Would you let me finish? Little shit." John huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What I was going to say before you interrupted me.. is that the original family moved over here from Greece around 16 or 17 years ago. The reason was, was to hide something from the parliament in Greece. That something was an omega. The first omega in that family for over 100 years. They knew that parliament would snatch that baby up and use it as some kind of trade deal with another county because it's one of the most rare types of omegas there is."

"Yawn." Dean said blandly and his father slapped the desk loudly, making his eldest son jump.

"This omega is powerful Dean. Now you know most alphas and omegas have some kind of power, but this omega is from the very first line, a pure breed!"

"Yeah and it's also 17 years old. Its barely an adult! Besides, what makes you think that this omegas parents will want to marry him off to some alpha from a foreign land?"

"I've already discussed with them-"

"What?!" Dean shouted. "You've already discussed with them MY future?"

"It's time you took your life as a prince more seriously, dean!"

"I do take it seriously! I go to all my lessons, I would fight till I died for this country."

"You need an omega. An alpha without an omega is a dangerous thing."

"Why?" Dean snapped, looking away again.

"Because, they start to get lonely Dean. You can sleep with one thousands omegas but if you don't take one to be yours..." john sighs. "Alphas are complex. They can die of loneliness Dean."

"I know that. But I just want the chance to find someone in my own time."

There was a knock at the door and someone entered. A beta named Garth walked through the door and bowed.

Arranged Marriage || destiel (alpha!dean &a omega!cas)Where stories live. Discover now