The Beginning of Something New

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It's been scary since the beginning, so many things, so much has gone horribly wrong. I was walking in the forest, blood covered my clothes and skin, sweat dripped down my face and down to the ground as I fought to keep walking. The sun shined bright, and didn't help that I hadn't eaten or been able to drink in days. I stared forward as I stopped, I looked up to the sun and let out a long sigh. I suddenly heard a loud horn going off, I looked towards it and started walking. My walking was like a limp, there was no way I was able to keep my balance. When I got to the location of the horn, I saw it was a semi truck slammed into what looked like a bell tower that was falling apart. Next to the bell tower was walls to what looked like a community. The walls were tall and were steal plates.

I walked to them when I looked over seeing gates. I then stopped when my eyes rolled back and I fell to the ground. Everything was black, I heard echoes of the horn when it finally stopped. I heard a man yelling as the echoes faded out. I was gone.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked up at something white, when my eyes focused, I realized it was a ceiling. I slowly pushed myself up to sit when I saw a woman, I looked over seeing I was handcuffed to a bed. "Oh, you're up. That's good." the woman's voice spoke. I looked at her and then away, "our leader wanted us to handcuffed you, he thought it'd be the best bet," she said as she walked over to me, "I'm gonna check up on your stitches, I put them in when you got here," she tells me as she does so.

I felt her fingers touching my stitches and my skin, they were a bit cold when another woman and a man brought in an unconscious, bloody woman. I heard gunshots going off as they laid the woman on a bed as she bled, the woman helping me walked away to help her, since she obviously needed it more. "Who the hell is that?!" the woman with a bandanna said, "Morgan brought her in, Rick agreed to it," the woman said as she started helping the other girl. The woman with the bandanna left as the other man did as well.

As I sat there, I looked down sitting up and thought, "when the leader can, he'll come in and talk to you, then you'll be able to leave," she says. I remain quiet as I look at the bed and move my shirt a little looking at my stitches, "any idea how you got them?" She asks looking to me and then down at the woman as she helped her, "not much of a talker, are you?" she asks.

A while later, a man walked in, he was sweaty wearing jeans and a blue shirt, "so you're the girl Morgan told me about." the man says looking down at me, I looked back up at him, "I guess.." I say softly looking at him. He nodded a little looking away then back down at me, "what's your name?" he asks putting his hands on his waist. I stay quiet not answering the question, "I need to know your name," he says, "Jessica," I say softly looking at him.

The man looked at me with a small nod as he moved his hands off his waist and put one hand on his gun and leaned on the opposite side his body was on from his gun, "I'm Rick, the leader of this place, I want to ask you three questions before I uncuff you," he says with a serious look, although he's been serious the whole time, I nodded a little as he looked at me, "how many walkers have you killed?" he asks looking at me in the eyes, I shrugged, "too many to count," I answer, "how many people have you killed?" he asks the second question, "7," I answer looking up at him more, "why?" he says asking the final question, "you do what you have to when you need to survive, I had to kill people, and because of that, I'm alive." I say softly looking at Rick.

He nodded looking at me and then looked down, he walked over and unlocked the cuffs on my wrist, "I'll let you out, we took your weapons off of you, even though one knife and no bullets wont get you anywhere against our fully loaded guns, I'll give them back when I find you more trustworthy, but for now, I'll let you go and you can check the place out yourself." Rick says as I slowly stood up getting my balance right as I walked to the door of the house.

I slowly walked down the stairs as Rick followed behind me, I looked around seeing grass and trees, even a small pond in the middle of the whole community. I saw people taking care of dead bodies, even of some of the ones that came back. I looked over to some people as Rick looked to me, "I can show you a house you can get, you can wash up there, change into some new clothes and look around the community, welcome to Alexandria." He says leading me to a house nearby letting me go inside.

After going inside, I looked around the house seeing clean furniture. I walked up stairs and went into a room, putting my bag down, I grabbed some clothes from the dresser as I walked into the bathroom.

Like always, I was quiet as I looked in a mirror at myself. I saw my greasy long brown hair and my dirty white shirt, the filth on my face along with on my arms. I looked down at the sink and turned the faucet on, I looked at it as I saw water running out. I turned it off as I looked back up at myself. I slowly took my shirt off and looked at myself again, I saw scars all over my torso and the scars on my arms along with my stitches.

I turned the water in the shower on as I slid the rest of my clothes off. I stepped in the shower and felt the water drip down my body. I looked down at the water that had reached the tub floor seeing is black from my dirty skin. When I lifted my feet up, I saw foot prints made of dirt in the shower floor as I rubbed my feet against them to make them go away. I continued washed my hair and body, soap suds dripping down as I cleaned off.

When I was done rinsing my body off and my hair out, I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my body with a towel that was sitting in the bathroom folded up.

I grabbed the clothes I brought into the bathroom with me and put the clothes on me. I hung the towel over the shower and stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the room that I put my bag down in and opened it to an old picture.

As I looked at the picture I heard a thump downstairs. I quickly looked to the door as I went into the night stand hoping to find a weapon, seeing a hidden knife.

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