Hope Still There

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I sat in front of my trailer and stared at the ground.  "How.. why?" I asked myself.

I looked up and saw Rick helping Maggie.  She held baby Hershel and has tears in her eyes.

I stood up and looked at her, making my way over to her, "Maggie.." I say softly.  She looked at me and hugged me tightly, "is he..?" I say softly, "no, he isn't.." she says softly looking down at me.

I walked Maggie back to her trailer and helped her with little Hershel.

"It's not the first time." She says feeding the baby, "what do you mean?" I ask looking to her, "my father, he was bit on the leg.  Rick cut his leg off in hope he'd live." She says fixing her shirt and holding the baby, caring for him, "did he..?" I ask softly, "he did, that's why I'm hoping for the best." She nods

I smiled slightly to her and then looked down, "is this the end of my big brother..?    Dying before meeting his son and his niece or nephew..?"  I asked myself and looked down closing my eyes.

"Why didn't Carl come back?" She asks, "I don't know, I don't even remember if Rick told me why.. I was scared about Glenn.." I say softly looking down, "don't be scared now.  He's ok." She smiled bit to me.  I smiled faintly back and closed my eyes looking down.

I left the trailer for Maggie to get some rest and care for the baby.  Two more months and I'll be due.  Will the same thing happened to me?

I looked down and entered the infirmary and saw Glenn, laying on a bed.  I walked over and and placed my hand on his shoulder.  "Where is his right arm?  Why is it gone?" I asked myself, "he was bit.. they're trying to save him." I'd then answer myself.

"Jess..?" I heard a familiar voice call out.  I turned around and saw Carl.  I smiled and we quickly hugged, "are you ok..?" He asks softly.  I nod quickly looking back up to him, "are you..?" I ask softly.  He moved hair our of my face and nodded, "I'm fine, what happened?" He asks looking back at Glenn.  "Gabriel turned on the way here, they didn't know.. and Glenn was bit.." I say softly and looked back to him.

Carl held me tighter and looked at Glenn.  I looked back at my brother as he pulled me out of the infirmary.  We walked out and went into out trailer, he laid on the couch, I laid with him and he held me close.

I looked up to him, smiling slightly, and looked down, gently sliding his shirt up and saw his scar of the bite mark.  I looked back up to him and he looked at me.  I lowered his shirt and laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.  I could do nothing back ask for this to never end.  To never take everything I love away from me.

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