Chapter 3 ~ Daddy's boy

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What? Lily thought. Was this guy crazy? Become his girlfriend? Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever the verse rang in her head. Was that something she should be worried about though? She was definitely going to win this. God's team is the winning team. She would take the deal but what he didn't know was that she wasn't one to lose.

"Okay. I'll take the deal." She said with a sudden burst of confidence.

"Okay, girl."

"You should stop calling me girl. My name is Lily." Lily said holding out her hand.

"Matthew." He said as they shook hands.

"I have a few terms before we go any further. " Lily told him.

Matthew was not quite happy with that. He was supposed to be the only one giving the terms. This was his game, not hers.

"No ways. You're jumping the gun, I make the terms here not you." Matthew protested.

"Then you're going to have fun doing the deal - on your own" Lily stated.

She started moving along the road, to the bus station. Matthew ran after her and blocked her way yet again.

"You can't just walk away from me. I am Matthew Williams, I'm the wealthiest man in this city. I have billions of dollars at my disposal. Don't you dare disrespect me again." Matthew shouted in Lily's face.

"So what exactly do you want me to respect, you or your money? Respect is earned not bought. If you think people respect you then you're wrong. They respect your money or they fear what you would do to them. I will not be one of them. Frankly, you're wasting my time. Its either you accept my terms or you don't." Lily said.

Matthew became even angrier. This girl had just learnt about his wealth and she still talked to him like that. How bad did he want this deal? Having a girlfriend would please his father. Matthew loved his father. Making him happy mattered to him. He decided to swallow his pride and listen to the girl.

"I'm the billionaire here. My time is more expensive than yours. Anyways let's hear these terms of yours." Matthew said waving his hand around.

Lily decided to ignore the insult and just answer him.

"You have to attend church with me and any event I decide that you should go to. I'll also have a private Bible study with you. You're not allowed to miss any sessions." Lily stated.

Matthew went over the details. Attending all those stupid events meant he had to take time off work, time that he didn't have. He had so many employees though. He would put Quinton in charge for the time being and show up for work when he had time. After all, it was just for three months. It would be worth it in the end.

"Okay," Matthew said.

"Okay?" Lily asked.

"Are you deaf? I said okay. That means I agree to your stupid terms. Now if you would kindly give me your number, I have better things to do with my time."

Matthew handed his phone to Lily and she started typing.

"So when does this deal become effective?" Lily asked.

"Tomorrow. I'll see you around." Matthew shouted as he ran off.

It was only then that Lily realized it was almost dark. She couldn't go and wait for the bus at that time. Most people were gone. The only people who took the bus were people who worked around that place and now most of them had left. Lily decided to order an Uber. That didn't put a dent in her budget seeing as she got a generous tip from Matthew that morning. The car was there in no time and as soon as she sat down, all kinds of thoughts flooded her mind.


Matthew's day had been so eventful. Who knew that the girl would end up accepting his deal. He had just gotten home and he was tired. He took a short shower to freshen up. Afterward, he decided to call his father. He picked up after a few rings.

"Hello." The old man answered.

"Hello dad. How are you?" Matthew asked.

"I'm fine but I would have been better if I had a few grandkids running around." He said.

"Ugh really now? Do you always have to remind me that I should get married and have kids? I'm still twenty-five dad. I have plenty of time to do all that."

"You may have plenty of time but I do not. I'm not getting any younger. I want grandkids. Look at you. You have so much money but nothing to spend it on. Give it a thought son."

Matthew was already getting tired of getting this pep talk all the time. Agreeing with his dad would make him move on to the next topic.

"Okay dad, I will," Matthew said.

"Good. When are you coming to see me?" He asked.

Works every time.

"I was just there last month," Matthew said.

"And that was after six months of not visiting."

"I will come. Soon." Matthew said.

Father and son spoke about other less intense topics for the next twenty minutes. After he had hung up, Matthew went to bed. He thought about his father. He was the only family Matthew had left. Matthew was an only child. Their relationship had become stronger after his mother's death.

His father had retired a few years earlier and had given his company to Matthew. He now lived at a beach house at the quiet end of the city. Matthew hardly ever visited him. That was because he always talked about his mother every time he visited.

Thomas, Matthew's father, wanted Matthew to settle down. Matthew didn't want to do that though. He had tried to fool his father once or twice by introducing girls to him and claimed that he wanted to marry them. Those girls were after his money and his father could see right through them. Which is why he was after this Lily. Money didn't seem to impress her. This made her a perfect fit. His dad would be so proud of him.

He had failed his mother but he would make it right through his father. He had to wait and see how everything would go.


The scripture reference for this chapter:

2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?  

Extra Verse:

John 11:40

Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"  


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