Chapter 11 ~ Questions

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Matthew didn't know what to wear for the church service. He didn't know how everyone was going to be dressed and he didn't want to look lost. He picked up the phone and called Lily.

"Hello." Her soft voice answered.

"How am I supposed to dress?"

Lily already knew that he wouldn't respond to her greeting.

"Anyhow you want to."

"I'm serious here."

"So am I. We have no dress code. Some will be wearing suits, others jeans, you wear what you want really."

Matthew dropped the call. Lily frowned, no goodbyes were in order.

"Who was that?" A sleepy Lizzy asked.


"Mhmmm what did he want?"

"Dress code."

"Oh. I thought maybe it was a 'good morning, I miss you'  call."

Lily took a pillow and threw it at Lizzy. Lizzy punched the pillow and it landed safely in Rachel's arms.

"That is practically impossible. The guy just caused Lily to be mugged."

Lizzy's eyes widened. Lily gave Rachel the evil eye. She thought this thing was all over and now Rachel started it up again.

"What do you mean?" Lizzy was curious now.

"You mean Lily didn't tell you?"

"She didn't. Tell me Rach."

"Matthew dumped her at bible study. She got mugged when she was walking home."

"What????" Lizzy almost screaming.

Lily was scared for Matthew. Lizzy would not be talked out of this. She was going to do whatever was going on in her mind.

"Lizzy. Don't do it."

Lizzy didn't wait to be convinced. She took her towel and went to bath silently humming Oceans. Lily didn't know what to do. Matthew was in trouble. Should she tell him to not come to church? No, she can't let him miss a service. Lily decided to just block everything out of her mind. Maybe if she did that nothing would happen.


It was preaching time and Matthew was bored out of his wits. The pastor was preaching about love. 'Greater love than this' he kept saying. The things he was saying were impossible to do. How could one person care about everyone that much?

Lily was enjoying the word. Love. A word that many took for granted. Love is a verb, it's something you do not something you feel and it ends there.

Matthew heard the pastor call for those who 'want to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior' and two people stepped out. He couldn't believe that people were willing to give up their happy lives and put themselves into bondage. Christianity was a cage. No freedom, just limitations.

Lily had arrived at church a few minutes after Matthew so she didn't get a seat beside him. She was seated in the seat behind him. Lily would rather have sat beside him so that she would see how he would react to different things. His face was usually straight and emotionless but at times something would quickly flicker through his face.

Once the service was done, Lily quickly packed up her things. By the time she got to Matthew Lizzy was done 'talking' to him. Lily rushed to him in panic.

"What did she say?" Lily asked with concern.

"Calm down she won't eat me. She wanted to invite me to go with her to the park just now. I think she likes me. Actually, she likes me. All girls do."

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