Chapter 18 ~ Stalker

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Matthew was sprawled across his bed with his laptop before him. He logged off his Instagram and sighed. He had checked out Lily's accounts on every social media he could get. She seemed to be a very social person. Very different from him he noticed. Matthew preferred to keep to himself, much less damage done. Being attached to anyone only left a broken heart.

Lily had posted pictures of her and her friends doing all sorts of things. She had some of her family too. Family dinners, summer camps, swimming and even hiking.

Matthew stood up and kicked his bed in anger. What was he doing? Looking for a girl's pictures on the internet. He wasn't that kind of a person. He had no heart, no feelings for anyone. He wasn't going to be a slave to some girl. He was tired of being used. No more attachments and no more relationships. Matthew took his phone and dialled Lily's number.
He was going to tell her off and call off the deal.

"Matthew." Was her simple reply.

The sound of her soft voice made him rethink everything he wanted to do. He couldn't go through with it.

"Hello?" Lily said again.

Only then did Matthew realise he hadn't said anything. His heart was beating faster, something that didn't happen to him anymore. He was always in control but now he wasn't so sure.

"Yes. Hi Lily." Matthew said.

"Hi. Are you okay?" She asked.

"Of course I'm fine. Why are you asking?"

"You sound like you just ran a mile."

Matthew hadn't realised that he was panting.

"Oh yeah. I was exercising."

"Okay. What's up?"

"Uhmmm. I just wanted to say goodnight." Matthew said.

Couldn't he have come up with something better? Great. Now she would think that he was obsessed.

"Ohhhhh did strong and rigid Matthew just wish me a goodnight?" Lily teased.

Matthew should have known that this would happen. She was always looking for something to humiliate him with.

"Oh please. Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm only wishing you a goodnight because I thought that's what all stupid guys do."

"Not stupid but good and civilised guys."

"Whatever. Bye."

"Goodbye and goodnight to you too."

Matthew scolded himself for even calling her. Now he looked like a complete idiot. New mission: avoid Lily as much as possible. No phone calls and no visiting. With this, he finally got to sleep.

Lily hung up in awe. Matthew called, Matthew said goodnight. Maybe he was sick and dying so he was looking for someone to bury him or attend his funeral. Yeah, that was the only plausible explanation. He also said he was exercising. That explained his arm muscles. Lily wondered what his abs looked like. He most likely had a six pack. Lily didn't exercise but she was okay. Maybe working at the café was enough exercise. Lily went to sleep, tomorrow was another day.


It was a Friday and customers came and went as usual. Lily was as bored as bored could be. It was then that a man came in. Not just any man but a very good looking man. There was no doubt in her mind that this man spent an awful amount of time at the gym. He walked in with so much confidence as he rubbed off something from the jacket of his suit. His face was perfectly sculpted. He was a handsome man with not even a hair out of place. He had a smile on his face as he approached Lily. She didn't realize that she was drooling until he interrupted her thoughts.

"Excuse me miss but do you work here?" He asked.

He was almost perfect.

"Y-Yes I do Sir." Lily stammered.

The mere sight of this man had frozen her up. She wasn't sure whether her voice was cracking or not.

"Great. Can you help me with a table please."

"A table for one?" Lily asked.

"Yes please." He confirmed.

He is single. He is single! Lily internally screamed but her mind begged to differ. It just means that his girlfriend will not be joining him you idiot. Yeah that's probably the case. He looks rich anyway, there's no way he would look at a waitress like her. Doesn't mean that she couldn't dream though.

"Right this way sir." Lily said.

She grabbed a menu and led him to a table. Once he was seated, she handed the menu to him.

"Make yourself comfortable Sir. My name is Lily and I'll be back shortly to take your order."

"Okay. Thank you Lily."

Lily reluctantly walked away. This man knew how to say please and thank you. Something Matthew couldn't do. Ugh why am I comparing Matthew and this man. It's not like I would ever go out with Matthew but this man I would definitely consider Lily told herself. Oh please we all know you like Matthew. No I don't. Yeah continue telling yourself that. Lily was crazy. Battling within oneself wasn't normal or was it?

A few minutes later Lily returned for the order.

"Ready to order Sir?"

"Stop calling me that please. Makes me feel old and I'm only twenty three. Call me Andrew."

"Okay 'Andrew'. Are you ready to order?" Lily said emphasizing on the name.

"Haha very funny. Can I have this sandwich and a vanilla milkshake. Can you make it a takeaway please. Something came up at church and I have to rush there now."

What?He had a sense of humor and he was a Christian too. That sealed the deal. He was perfect. Completely perfect.

"You're a pastor?" Lily questioned.

Andrew laughed.

"No I'm not and I don't aspire to be one but I'm the pastor's son if that counts for anything."

"I think it does. Let me rush and get that order then."

"Of course."

Lily clocked the order and in a couple of minutes it was ready. She have him the food and the bill. He paid and left a tip.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome. I have to rush. See you soon." And with that he left.

He said see you soon. He said see you soon. He's gonna come back. He's gonna come back. Lily was already picking wedding songs. I look forward to seeing you again.


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