Chapter 26 ~ Challenge

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The team was camped a block away from the house. Amy had gone out of her way to get everything and anything she could about Rita Demesco. Nothing suggested that she was behind the kidnapping. She was just another person caught up unintentionally in the web of the kidnappers. Matthew was restless. It had been three hours and he knew that the more time went by, the lesser the chance of finding Lily alive. Matthew never realized how much she meant to him until the moment she was taken away. Matthew's phone beeped and he quickly grabbed it.

"Who is it?" Chad asked.

"It's an unknown number," Matthew opened and all he got was a location. "It's a location. Somebody sent me coordinates."

Matthew didn't know whether it was the kidnappers or not. If it was them then maybe the location is  where they wanted him to do the drop.

"What's this place?" Matthew asked Amy whilst handing the phone over to Amy.

Amy quickly took it and looked the coordinates up.

"It's the coordinates of the house but this is at the back of the house. I just checked and there is a cottage at the back. I think that's where our girl is."

Matthew was confused even the more. How could it be possible that someone sent them the exact place where Lily was.

"Wait a minute. Why would anyone tell us what we need to know. It's just a trap. It has to be the kidnappers. We go in there they will ambush us." Chad said.

Matthew thought it out. They could go in there at that moment and get Lily when it was still possible that she's alive or wait until they eventually kill her. Then it struck him.

"If its the kidnappers then we are merely just following orders. They won't ambush us cause they have nothing to gain. They just want money and they are still waiting to demand it. This has to have come from someone else." Matthew said.

"So what are you saying boss?" Chad asked.

"We're going in."


Lily had finally gotten accustomed to the light and she could see Andrew  also tied up in a chair a little distance away from where she was. She was in pain on his behalf. Who knew what those psychopaths could be doing to his girlfriend. Lily was also worried about her health. Do not worry the verse rang in her head. Yeah, she agreed, I'll let God handle it.

Lily was wise enough to identify a sound proof room when she saw one and this was definitely it. No amount of screaming could make help get to her. Lily thought of Matthew and how she should have probably given him a chance when he came begging to take her out on a date. Matthew. Just the thought of him made her smile. Maybe if she'd given him a chance, they would have fallen in love one day. Won't matter much now that I'm going to die. Lily scoffed and just then, jingling of keys was heard outside the room. Lily and Andrew immediately raised their heads and looked in that direction. The door squeaked and someone they hadn't seen altogether emerged from the door.

He wasn't big or muscular. He was of normal size and he was elegantly dressed. He didn't look like he had ever worked for a dime his whole life. He was without doubt a wealthy guy. Funny how Lily could see clearly in the dark room.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" The man said as he walked towards her.

"A girl tied up to a chair that's what. Untie me now."

Lily wasn't one to shake with fear. She would stand up for herself to the very end. If they want to kill her, fine but that didn't mean that she'd make it easy for them.

"Sassy huh? Now I see what he saw in you. I might not kill you after all. I'll just keep you for myself." The man said.

Oh no he didn't.

"Of course you would cause all the girls are running away from you and your stupidity."

The man was instantly angered. His nose flared up and he looked at her dead in the eye. I'm officially going to die Lily thought.

"Woah. She doesn't know what she's saying it's so cold in here." Andrew defended.

The man looked at Andrew and smiled.

"See that right there. The way he's defending you. It's cute."

The man's mockery was getting worse and Lily was trying hard to hold her words down because if she said her mind, the man would most likely shoot her instantly.

"Who are you anyway?" Lily asked.

That's one question she had since he walked into the room.

"Good question honeybun. I'm Matthew's old friend, Adam." He answered clearly proud of himself.

"Well you're the worst friend I've ever met." Lily said.

"No no no. See darling, Matthew is no longer my friend, he's an enemy. I can't wait to see how far he'll go to rescue his precious little girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." Lily spat out.

"Matthew doesn't meet up with any girl twice but he's seen you multiple times so he clearly loves you. Girls. So dumb." He rolled his eyes.

Oh no. He did not just...

"Wait up. I know you did not just call me dumb." Lily objected.

"Oh but I just did." Adam said in her face.

This man was really trying her patience.

"Listen here Mr Man. Get your stinking mouth out of my face because if you don't I-"

Lily was interrupted by the man's phone ringing. He picked it up and said he would be right up. Lily was right, they were in a basement of some sort. He hung up and looked straight at Lily.

"We'll continue this fun some other time. As for now, I have business to attend to. When you see Matthew in your dreams, do tell him that Adam is back and he wants revenge."

He straightened his tie and with that, he was gone.

A little short but its sweet😍I love it. I love Lily💜 The book is closing off at 30 so be prepared😂 Don't forget to send in your questions.

See you soon. Like real soon.

I love y'all.



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