Chapter 27 ~ Rescue💕

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Lily wondered what it was that Matthew did to Adam that made him seek out revenge that bad. Lily didn't know what their problem was, all she knew was that she had to get out of that basement.

"Andrew." She called out.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"We need to get out of here." Sje voiced out.

"You have a plan?" He asked.

"No. Do you?" She asked.

"No. I guess we're stuck here then."

They both shrugged and quietened down.


Mathew, Chad and the team were standing outside the house. They were fully equipped to go in and get Lily. Matthew's phone beeped.

We will call you in 10. You better pick up if you want to see her alive.

"Amy surveil my phone. I'm going to receive a call from them soon. Keep me posted." Matthew ordered.

"Yes boss." Amy said.

The five men stood ready for the job ahead. They would be difficult to spot even for the gang they were going against. They were professionals and few too. They had police back up waiting for an order from them because Matthew didn't want to go in with them on the first go. The police's first priority would be to bust the kidnappers and send them to jail but his first priority was to save Lily. Good thing Chad was well connected, the police wouldn't give them problems. The men had their Smart watches and headsets on hand for communication.

"Okay guys lets go."

The group left the truck and went towards the gate. The security there was quickly tied up and gagged by Chad. They finally entered and security was tighter than expected. There was a guard every few meters. They walked around with guns in hand. These men meant business.


"Yes boss." The manly voice answered into his headset.

"Create the diversion." He ordered

"Yes boss."

A moment later, the right side of the wall of the house was broken into and Deckard's car skidded off. As anticipated, most of the guards outside ran into their cars and followed him. Good luck chasing him. He's one good racer Matthew internally told them. Only a few guards were left and the team quickly took care of them. They now had access to the house so they seperated. Matthew and Chad to the back whilst the rest went into the house. Whoever got Lily first would report back to everyone.

There were guards outside the small cabin at the back. These didn't rush away with the others. They must have been given strict orders not to leave their spots. Even the more reason to believe that Lily was in there. They were spotted and the guard raised his gun to shoot them but Chad was too quick. He quickly kicked and punched and Matthew lost track but all he saw was two unconscious men on the green grass. The men were on strict orders to make as little noise as possible and kill no one.

A gunshot rang inside the house. So much for making as little noise as possible.

"What the hell is going on in there? Is everyone okay." Matthew demanded answers.

"We're good boss. We managed to clean out the house. There's no one here. Sorry we had to shoot this thug right here."

"It's okay. As long as no one dies. Just keep searching. You might find something."

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