Chapter 25 ~ Reminisce

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Lily tried to move but her hands and legs were tied to the chair. She was sore from sitting in one position for a long time and the ropes were tight around her wrists. She felt like she was a character in a movie. This place was really beginning to mess with her head so she looked for a way to keep herself busy.

" Andrew are you awake?"

"Yeah." He answered with a defeated tone.

"Becca. How did you two meet?"

Andrew's mood immediately lightened up.

"We met at a Easter party last year. She was the one who organized the event and a friend invited me. I listened to her talk and I just admired her right from the beginning. Her dreams matched mine and we had the same mindset which created an instant connection between us. We got engaged two months ago and our wedding is next month."

Andrew spoke with such a passion. Lily could tell that he really loved her.

"You must really love her." She said.

"You have no idea. I hope she's okay."

"Me too."

A dead silence ruled in the room for some minutes. Each was lost in their own thoughts. Lily realized that it might take days for anyone to realize that she was missing. Rachel would only notice that something was wrong on Tuesday. It would take until Monday night, at the very least for her to be reported missing. She would be frozen by then. It kept on getting colder and colder.

"I'm sure your brother already knows that you're missing."

"My brother has been out of the country for two months. He would be the last one to know about the predicament I find myself in." Lily told him.

"I thought he was there last night."

Lily finally realized who he was talking about.

"Oh. Matthew. He's not my brother."

"That's Matthew? He threatened me."

"He did?"

"Yeah. What's the deal between you two?"

"Its a long story."

"We got all the time."

Lily began to narrate the story about her and Matthew. She smiled at some of the parts as she told them.

"He really likes you. He threatened me pretty well last night.  If it wasn't for saving Becca I'd have run for the hills."

Lily laughed. Matthew was full of surprises.

"What exactly did he say?"

"That he killed your ex and placed the other one in a mental institution. I can't believe I was convinced." Andrew laughed.

"He can be quite convincing at times." Lily joked.

They both laughed. Lily thought about the crazy life she'd lived. She graduated high school at fifteen and got her degree at nineteen. Now, at twenty one she was tied up in a chair. Who goes through all that just to die at such a young age. It could only happen to her.

"Lily, you should give him a chance."

Lily said nothing but she was listening. Everyone seemed to ve for Matthew. Her stupid mind, Lizzy and now Andrew. Even the kidnappers thought that they were in a relationship. All Lily knew was that she didn't want to die before seeing Matthew again.

Lily thought of Dylan. It would be really bad if he had to cut off his tour to attend his sister's funeral. She had to stay alive for him. She wasn't ready to die. She still wanted to enjoy her life. Lily still had lots to do and lots of places to go to.

"I think we should pray." Andrew said.


"Our heavenly Father. Thank you for our lives. Thank you for today, for everything that's happening. Help us through God. Be with Becca where she is. We know you'll never leave nor forsake us. Send us some help. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."


Matthew watched as Amy did her thing. He didn't like the fact that he had to wait for so long to get information. Who knows what those men could be doing to his girl. His girl. He grew more paranoid with each second that passed.

"I got him." Amy announced and everyone rushed to her.

"It makes no sense. That is someone's house. Who kidnaps someone and takes them to a house? Shouldn't we be looking at a cottage in the woods or something." Deckard asks.

"A genius actually. No one expected this. It means we're on the right track. Who owns that house?" Henry asks.

"Rita Demesco but she's out of town. They could be using her house without her knowledge." Amy says.

"What's security like." Chad asks.

"It's really tight. Its one of the most secured houses around. Difficult to penetrate and we're not even sure that's where Lily is." Amy says.

"It's a risk worth taking. It's beter than sitting here and waiting to be called." Matthew said.

"Let me call up my team." Chad said.

Chad's team was one of the best. They were good fighters and could go through any kind of security. If anyone could break into that house, it was them.

"Okay, you do that. Anything else I should know Amy?"

"Not for now."

"Okay. Let's get moving."

The team went towards the address. Each of them clearly surprised at the lengths to which
Matthew was willing to go for this girl. It was out of character for him. The only projects they'd worked on with Matthew were professional. Never personal.

Matthew hoped that he wasn't putting Lily in danger by what he was doing. He silently prayed that she wouldn't give up before their arrival. She had to hold on and be strong. He couldn't lose her.


Good morning! Its 2am where I am. Something horrible may or may not happen to a character soon.

Yours truly



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