Chap. 2 Suprise, Suprise

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Author's Note IMPORTANT: This is basically all for future reference. Akito is 17 (soon to be 18) and is beginning his Senior year of high school. Because of his health he has been home school all his life. Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo have just turned 17 before this story began and are beginning their Junior year. Although they are not in the story yet I might as well tell you now that Hatsuharu is 15, Momji is 14 and they are Freshman. They all go to Haibara High School. Hatori has given Akito permission to go to school since his health has recently improved.

Chapter 2

Akito's POV.

They sat there dazed for a moment just seeming to recalling what happened. It was a lot to take in, for me too. But I don't feel like thinking about it right now. I watched as they left.

"Well come on ya damn rat tell me what happened in there!" that annoying cat was yelling at them as they walked out of the Sohma Estate.

"oh, nothing really. I guess it was presumptuous it would change anything if I came here today." Tohru answered just snapping out of what seemed to be a daze to create a scene even I couldn't help but chuckle at. Good thing they couldn't see me.

"Oh, no that's not true at all." Hatori corrected.

"Indeed." Shigure agreed.

"What the heck are you talking about." Kyo once again noisily commented.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking aloud." he answered.

"No, you weren't!"

"Um, I promise to tell you everything once we get home, kay." Tohru said in her ever polite and cautious voice.

"And Kyo, lets have a fight when we get back." Yuki added.

"Huh, so your finally ready to face the music?" the two kept bickering and Tohru worried franticly about how they could possibly get hurt and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

What was it about that girl that could make me feel emotions such as happiness, laughter, sadness, maybe even, love.

"I want to know you. I want you to tell me how you feel." her voice echoed in my head. It had been over twenty-four hours since I last saw her and still, she was all that filled my mind. It had already gone on far too long for my liking, not showing signs of stopping, either.

Later on I spoke to Shigure. "I have decided I am going to attend Kaibara High School when the new school year begins next week for my senior year." I stated as in he had no say in the matter.

"Missing Tohru already? I must admit that was sooner than even I expected." he mocked and I could feel my face heating up.

"No! I am going to keep an eye on Yuki, Kyo, Hatsuharu, and Momji. It's got nothing to do with her." I retorted.

"Well alright I will work with the admittance papers, but might I ask where you will be gracing your presence with during the school year? You can't honestly go to school everyday from the main house." he pointed out. To be honest I hadn't even thought about where I would be staying but I couldn't let Shigure know I had acted on a whim. I would seem unbecoming of the head of the Sohma family.

"I will have a small house constructed on your property. Until then do you have a spare room I may use?" I informed him. Annoyed that now I'd have to call a contractor. Ugh, this is way to much trouble, so why does it feel so worth it?

"Alright, do you want to come over tomorrow and mark where the construction will be?"

"Sure. I will be there at three with the workers and if it's not a problem they can start as soon as we get there with the actual construction." I said knowing whether it was a problem to him or not I would anyway. The less time I had to live in his house the better. Living on his land and living in his house is a BIG difference.

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow and ask Yuki get the admittance papers at school." he confirmed and he left my office/room.

I asked (well ordered) my secretary, Shizuya Sohma, to call a contractor that would be able to start work tomorrow. The maid Nagisa, Kisa's mother, had already begun packing my things. I figured school started in just a week so why should I travel there tomorrow then have to go back in just a few days. So starting tomorrow I, Akito Sohma - head of the Sohma family, will be living in Shigure's house with Shigure, Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru. What the hell was I thinking!

I watched (ok glared) as Nagisa packed my things making sure she didn't screw up. It was then she grabbed a little black noted book and opened it to see if it was worthy of taking with me that I flipped. Before she could get a glimpse of what it was I snatched it away from her with one hand and slapped her face with the other.

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