Chap. 13 Back To School

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 I'm considering making one or two or maybe even three side stories that have to do with what happens in the epilogue! :) ENJOY!

Shigure's Pov.

I sighed as I headed to the kitchen. "Tohru, when is breakfast going to be ready?" I say as I enter the kitchen to find she wasn't there. I sighed again as I headed up the stairs to make sure she hadn't slept through her alarm.

"Tohru." I whisper through a crack in the door. No answer. Opening the door halfway and stepping in I peer over to the other side of the room where she slept. Dropping the newspaper, my jaw fell open, slowly backing out of the room I shut the door then fell slump against it. Laughing there I probably looked like a lunatic but the thought just made me laugh more. Who would have thought, Akito and Tohru…

"What the hell's so funny? People are trying to sleep!" I nearly jumped when Kyo asked me from the door way of his room. I shook my head, still giggling to myself. 'Won't this make things interesting. Our Tohru is growing up.' Kyo sighed as he must have thought I was insane, first standing there laughing like a maniac, then giggling like a school girl, and now smiling for no apparent reason. 'Oh, if only he knew! Maybe I should mention it? No. No, I'll let Tohru and Akito tell them when the time comes. Best to distract him.'

"Actually Kyo, Tohru's still a bit tired. She isn't completely over her cold. I figured it best we let her sleep in a bit. Would you mind making breakfast?"

Kyo went down to make breakfast, complaining all the while, but not trying to fight it. Probably because he knew that since Tohru was asleep, if he didn't do it, the food would be so terrible she'll feel bad for not being up to cook.

About ten minutes later Akito and Tohru came down the stairs. "O my, I forgot about breakfast!" Tohru shouted racing to the kitchen while Akito walked in leisurely behind her, before I could get a word out. I sighed to myself then smiled. 'I'm happy Akito finally has someone special. Tohru will be good for him. Now the only burden left on my shoulders is Kyo and Yuki. God only knows, no even god doesn't know, when they'll finally realize how much they want and need each other. Setting the paper down I went to go wake Yuki up.

Tohru's Pov.

"Oh, Kyo?" I said surprised to see him by the stove cooking. I stood by the fridge while Akito leaned against the sink looking out the window.

"I made breakfast so you could sleep in you need your rest. Anyhow go wake the rat up it's ready."

"Miss. Honda! Kyo!" I turned to go but Kyo's hand stopped me. He directed me to a chair at the table and handed my a plate of tamagoyaki.

"You eat. I'll go see what he wants." he said leaving the kitchen. I stared at my plate. To be honest it looked good and I was hungry but I just couldn't eat. I stared at Akito as he continued to look out the widow then I heard a loud grumble. I looked down hoping that wasn't my stomach, when I looked up at Akito who was blushing and looking warily at me. I laughed.

"Do you want me to get you a plate?" he turned back to the window and answered curtly.

"Yeah." after that we both sat down to eat and my appetite had greatly improved. We made pointless small talk as we ate just enjoying each others company. I love spending time with him like this.

Shigure's Pov.

Not bothering to knock I simply walked in and shook Yuki half awake. "Ayame's taken Kyo and Tohru to his shop and is making them try on his latest creations!"

One could laugh at how fast that woke him up. Yuki sat up, eyes budging, jumped out of bed and ran out of the bedroom. "Miss. Honda! Kyo!" I laughed and walked down the stairs to watch.

"What'd ya want?" Kyo said not looking at him.

"Where's Tohru and is Ayame here?" he asked looking both desperate and relived that Kyo was here and not being dressed into revealing costumes. The mental image made me chuckle. Kyo had a classic 'WTF?' look on his face it was perfect. I so need a scene like this in my next book.

"Why would he be here? Tohru's in the kitchen with Akito eating breakfast. Which your interrupting mine!"

"Oh, never mind then." he said walking past me glaring almost then walked into his room getting dressed and freshened up.

Yuki's Pov.

I hate mornings. I really, really hate mornings. Damn Shigure, that was a dirty trick. What's worse is he's so twisted he'll probably try waking me up in a similar every morning until it stops working! I put on my school uniform thinking such thoughts and then headed down the stairs to be stopped by none other than Shigure himself. Glaring at him I asked with venom in my tone. "What do you want?"

"Yuki, I need you to keep an eye on Kyo." I was shocked to say the least was something wrong with Kyo? How couldn't I tell?

"Why?" I ask staring straight ahead.

"Well really I just want you to make sure that he doesn't try and get between Akito and Tohru." I looked at him oddly. He must have noticed my confusion and then continued on. "They've been together constantly since Akito came here and I have reason to believe that they like each other. Actually I'm positive they like each other. I don't want Kyo to try to separate them and end up hurting them. Also we all know what happens when Akito's upset."

"But then shouldn't we still try and pull them apart? What if Akito get's upset around Tohru. She doesn't deserve that. Besides, A-Akito will die within a matter of years, I don't want Miss. Honda to go through that pain again." he frowned at my words I knew he hadn't thought of that last part. Just because Akito was know healthy enough to attend school didn't change the fact that as god in the zodiac he was going to die.

"Akito won't hurt her. I know it's hard but have a little faith in him. As for that last part, I don't know, but I think it would hurt them both more to be apart and Tohru be left with regrets then if we let them enjoy the time they have now. Besides Tohru is so kind, it doesn't matter what happens to them now, Tohru will mourn him more than anyone when he goes." he said all this looking at the floor being uncharacteristically sullen. Of course it's no real surprise that he has a different side to himself. We're Sohmas' after all, we live in secrets, troubles, and sad stories.

"Ok." I said walking away and heading to go and get some breakfast.

I ate my tamagoyaki in silence. Akito was standing looking out the window while Tohru was washing dishes. I found it sorta hard to imagine the two together, but then again I wasn't trying real hard. It wasn't a mental image I needed.

After finishing my breakfast I handed Tohru my plate to wash and began to dry the dishes she had done. We had gotten into the habit since she always takes it upon herself to wash the dishes and I'm always the last one done. Yet this morning Akito stopped me. "I'll do it. You put them away I don't know where they go." he said nonchalantly. I paled, Akito was going to help with manual labor?

"Oh, Thank you Akito." Tohru smiled sweetly at him and handed him a dish and Akito smiled back. Akito smiled. I nearly fainted at the realization. I grabbed the edge of the counter, steadying myself, Akito held out a dish to me. Slowly I reached out and grabbed it to put it away.

Soon we had finished and headed out to the door to put on our shoes and grab our bags. Kyo was already there waiting. We walked to school together just small talk here and there. Akito didn't really take part. We were almost to school when Tohru suddenly stopped walking and said "O my gosh. I forgot Arisa and Hana-chan called last night! I promised they could meet Akito today before school!" she grabbed Akito's hand and began running to school with him. Leaving me and Kyo behind all alone together, just as I'd been trying not to have happen. Great. Kyo looked at me questioningly. "Come on lets just get to school." I said looking away as I took his hand speed walked to school.

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter.  the reason this chapter is so short-ish is cuz (or maybe it just seems short to me u_u ) it was originally going to be one chapter then i decided it'd end up being to long for my liking so i split the chapter in two. i'm thinking of doing two or three one-shot side stories! i can't tell you anything about them though cuz that would give away the end of the story.

Thanks Dark-Kurama-976 for beta reading :D

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