Chap. 5 Tohru

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Warnings: EPICNESS! THE TRUE BEGINNING OF AKITO X TOHRU! And the less epic but still epic KYO X YUKI!

Akito's Pov.

"Come with me." I don't know what I'm getting myself into but frankly I don't give a damn. It was hell to go through class all day knowing she was with them and not me. Why. I DON'T KNOW! And then she had the nerve to walk home holding hands with them!

At least she was smart enough to tell them to buzz off when she saw me. Ok so she didn't really tell them to buzz off (miss goody-two-shoes would NEVER do something so rude) but close enough.

Where am I even taking her? I just wanted her and me to be as far away from them and that house as soon as possible and stormed off with her. She's probably scared. I don't exactly have the friendliest reputation.

"It's fine. I…I won't hurt you and I'm sorry if I did before." I told her. I wasn't completely sure she believed me but I could feel her relax a little. "Ggggrrrrr." Tohru laughed. shit. Man I skipped every meal of the day so far. I'm starving and it's all her fault.

"Akito if you don't have anywhere else to go, perhaps we should stop to eat." She suggested. Sounded good to me and apparently my stomach agreed based on the fact that it grumbled even louder at the mention of food. Thing is I don't know where anything is around here.

"Sure, whatever." Then I thanked my lucky stars that there was a high class restaurant just ahead being that we had already been walking around town for a while. I began to head in.

"Um, Akito. This place is sorta expensive and I only have a little money with me. C…Could we possibly try somewhere else?" I could smell the food and my stomach growled again giving her answer.

"No, I'll just pay for you. Now lets go." I grabbed her wrist and dragged her in not waiting for her to continue arguing as somehow I was sure she would. "Table for two." I said in monotone.

"Right this way." a young man showed us to a table for two in the back where almost no one was around. It was a small but kinda cozy restaurant. I figured Tohru would probably like it. Then I realized she was here sitting next to me staring at… at everything! Hadn't she ever seen I suitable restaurant before. I mean I knew she had money problems but seriously if she thought this was impressive, then she should she this one place I went to in Tokyo once. Maybe one day I'd take her there.

The waiter gave us menus and water then left to give us time to decide what to order.

"A…Akito. I…I can't except this. All of these cost a lot. I couldn't possibly ask you to pay for me." she started and I knew she wanted to accept it but was forcing herself not to. Honestly and THIS was the girl that lectured ME about living. It's disgraceful.

"It's fine. I'll just pay for it. After all I was the one who dragged you here." I reasoned.

"Oh, can I at least pay you back." she was beginning to try my patients, which really isn't a good idea.

" You know Tohru, It's consider rude to decline something someone wants to give you." I smirked knowing I'd one upped her. She frowned and began to skim the menu and got a starry-eyed look. WOW. She REALLY needs to get out more (and that coming from a sick person on the verge of death that spent most of their life in their room try to ignore the worlds existence, is just sad). Then she frowned again as if thinking really hard about something.

The waiter came to take our orders. I ordered a Seafood Salmon Teriyaki and Tohru got a Shrimp Tempura. We sat there waiting for our food while quietly listening to the radio.

Kyo and Yuki 3rd person

The sun was going down and a slight breeze was blowing lightly. "It's getting dark maybe we should go look for her." Kyo suggested to Yuki who was sitting next to him on the roof who was beginning to look ready to bit his fingers off he was so worried.

Yuki's head was filled with guilt. What if something happened to her? It would be my fault. Kyo wanted to go with her but I convinced him not to. I hope she's ok. Miss. Honda.

Kyo crouched down next to Yuki. "Hey Yuki, it not even really dark yet. She could be with Hana or Uo for all we know. Maybe she was on her way home and got distracted by the festival near the school and it dilly dallying around there. It not worth killing yourself over." Kyo knew Yuki wouldn't really kill himself but based off how he looked right now he figured he probably was wishing to. And now that he had said so aloud everything he just said had a lot liability to it. Uo is the one in charge of shopping at her house and is often there with Hana. It's more than possible she ran into them and got caught up and forgot to call and tell us she'd be home late. Also if she saw something that interested her at the festival on her way home it'd be a while still before she got back.

Is Kyo trying to make me feel better? How sweet. Yuki had been facing away for Kyo and was surprised at their closeness when he turned around. Kyo stood up silently and offered Yuki his hand. Yuki smiled gently and let Kyo help him up.

Kyo was still star struck by the amazing smile he just witnessed on his said male cousin. So beautiful. Are we sure it's a he? Kyo argued with himself that no guy could pull off what Yuki did, but he himself and seen, not that he'd ever admit he looked to make sure, that Yuki was a male at the hot springs trip with Momji. He broke himself out of his daze.

"I'll try calling Uo first." Kyo told Yuki. " Ok, and I'll call Hana." after they called both Hana and Uo reported that neither of them had seen Tohru since school. "Do you want to try the festival?" Yuki asked. "Yeah, go ask Shigure if we can take his cell phone with us." "Alright." Yuki went to find Shigure.

Kyo and Yuki met at the front door. Yuki had Shigure's cell phone and had made Shigure promise to call if he received any news as to of where Tohru was. They left for the festival in hopes she might be there.

OMG I am soooo sorry this was so shorthope your not to disappointed though. Since I had to cut this chapter short it'll be the next chapter that's REALLY good and has both extreme EPIC AKITO X TOHRU and Kyo x Yuki! (also their sorta date isn't over yet. The really special place he takes her is yet to come!) REVIEW PLZ! (review inspire me and make me determined to met deadlines so REVIEW) :D Also let me know what you thought about me trying to write in 3rd person. I really wanna know! Did it suck, was it ok, am I amazing! (well we all know the answer to that last one but still.) XD

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