Chap. 10 I Love You, Tohru

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Yuki's Pov.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Kyo said and my eyes widened. The scene in front of me scared me, for a second I thought Akito's hatred of Tohru had driven him to the point that he raped her or something, and was thrown into a mental panic. Then I realized they both had clothes on (thankfully) and Tohru was the one holding Akito! I smiled a little at this. That's just like her. She was probably so worried she wouldn't let go of him all night. At least she is ok. I yawned. I was so tired. It had been an exhausting day. So much worrying, happiness, confusion, and crying I could fall asleep just standing here.

"Stupid cat. They are sleeping and you shouldn't wake someone when there sick." I say tired.

"Damn it, Yuki, I know that. What I wanna know is why they're sleeping like…like that!" he retorted. Hatori frowned and ushered us out of the room as Kyo continued to be a bother.

"They were like that when I found them. Tohru wouldn't let go even in her sleep." Hatori began.

"Found them? Found them where?" Kyo shouted and I sighed.

Also sighing Hatori continued "They were out in the woods when I received a call from Tohru that Akito needed help. I don't know anymore then that, you'll have to wait and ask them yourself and that does NOT mean go barge in on them now, or to hound them with questions when they first wake up they need some rest. Tohru caught a cold while sitting on the ground attending to Akito." Kyo looked at a loss for words for once. Yawning again I thought idiotly to myself, I'm tired. Sheesh what time is it? I look to my right at the nearest clock. 11:42 pm. Man, We have school tomorrow and I'm not a morning person to begin with. Yawn.

I had to get out of here though. This place has so many awful memories. If we don't leave soon we'll have to spend the night! "We have school tomorrow and I'm tired. Will Tohru or Akito be able to come to school tomorrow?" I asked.

"No. Tohru's not bad so she should be back soon but I want her to stay here until she is full recovered." I didn't like the idea of leaving Miss. Honda in this place at all, this place is not suited to her. It was evil, while she is kind. Still I knew I was going to have to let her stay here.

I looked over to Kyo who looked ready to go sulk up of the roof. Sighing I walked out of the room and Kyo followed. When we were in the car this time I comforted him. Guess he was still not COMPLETELY over Tohru but who could blame him, she is an amazing girl. It bugged me too, though the thought of Tohru and Akito being like that, she never told us that she was with Akito in the first place, did she not trust us. I was a little hurt. Then again what was I thinking she was Miss. Honda after all, she was probably just being a good friend. I'm just being an over protective brother and maybe, a small part of me was hoping, that's all Kyo was being too.

Shigure came out of the estate after bowing respectfully to Shizuya and saying a cheerful goodbye to Hatori. He got in the car and we headed home. Thank god we don't have to spend the night. I leaned my head on the widow and fell asleep on the ride home.

Tohru's Pov.

"What The…?" … I slowly regained consciousness when I heard a door close. 'Kyo' then it all came back to me. Akito was in trouble. I jolted awake, trying to sit up but my arms were holding onto something. Akito.

He was asleep in my arms. He looked paler then I'd ever seen him. He was sweating a lot and felt really hot. I sneezed suddenly felt a chill. Still tired for somewhat and now having a slight headache I looked around just now realizing we were no longer in the forest. 'Good, I don't want Akito to get worse.' I thought to myself before deciding to give into sleep snuggling back into him I drifted again.

The Next Morning- Akito's Pov.

Coughing I stir in my sleep. 'Aug, I hate being sick.' which REALLY sucks considering I've been sick most of my life. You'd think I'd be used to it by now and learn to ignore it. 'I hate being sick.' I open my eyes noticing there was something around me. It felt good to be held. 'Mother never held me. She didn't want to be close to me in fear she would actually feel loss when I died.'

I was in Tohru's arms as she slept. I stared at her a moment, just watching her face change expressions as she slept. She looked pained and ready to cry. I decided then I didn't like it when she was that way and anyone who tried to make her that way would pay dearly. I leaned down a bit almost in a daze placing a kiss her forehead lightly. 'I love you, Tohru.' then wrapped my arm around her waist and let sleep once more take over.

Hatori's Pov.

I'd been going to check and see if Tohru was awake. I figured her condition hadn't been that bad so I figured she'd be up. I hope she will stay I honestly don't think Akito will take kindly to her absence if she decides she'd rather not miss school. We all know how important it is to her to do well in school. Sigh. Despite how Akito ruined my love I wanted him to find happiness. We're family plus with him being the head of the family if he's happy it makes everyone's life easier. I sighed quietly as I thought of her. I missed her, but I'm glad she's not blaming herself anymore.

The door was open a crack already and I was surprised to see an awake Akito staring blankly at a sleeping Tohru. Just as I was about to leave, knowing it would be hell if Akito notice me watching, I noticed Akito move in the corner of my eye. Figuring I'd been caught I turned around only to see him give Tohru a kiss on her forehead, then wrap his arm around her waist and settled in to sleep.

I stood in the door way for a few minutes stunned. I'd known he liked her but the fact that he wasn't being stubborn and denying to himself that he did really surprised me. I smirked to myself just senescing that soon things would change…hopefully for the better.

KYAA! Akito admitts that he LOVES Tohru! this chap is sorta short but i figured that was a good stoping place! Hope ya enjoyed. Thanks again to Dark Kurama for beta reading and to EVERYONE who favorited, subscribed and especially to thoose who review! 3 reviews make me update faster so ,even if it's just a short one sentence review, REVIEW PLZ!

P.S. i LOVE myself! i came up with the PERFECT way to end the story and to make all readers happy! well so long as the readers like happy endings, AkiTohru, and Kyo x Yuki :D

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