Chap. 11 I Wanna Know You

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Chapter 11

Author's Note: OMFG I just found out… AKITO IS A GIRL! Well not in this story or the anime, but in the manga Akito is a GIRL! Screw canon, in this story Akito IS a BOY. =P

Tohru's Pov.

The sun shining through the window woke me. I imagine it must have been around noon or so, I was still at the Sohma estate wrapped in bed with Akito. Untangling our arms I began to wonder when he'd put his arms around me. To my own surprise I didn't feel embarrassed that I'd slept all night long in a man's bed much less his arms. It didn't make me feel dirty I mean It was Akito. It was alright so long as it was Akito holding me.

I don't know why I felt this way. Even just sitting here just thinking to myself I am holding his hand while he is fast asleep next to me. 'Akito. He is important to me. I think I treasure this friendship most of all.'

Once again my mind slips back to his kissed me. This time, again to my surprise, I did not feel embarrassed. I could only smile at the memory. mom can you see this? I think…He's special. I-I love Akito.

He coughed in his sleep violently then snuggled closer to me. I was half tempted to wrap my arms around him and go back to sleep but it was already the afternoon. I guess I missed school. I'll have to ask Yuki if he could get me the work I missed. Sneezing I realized I must have caught a cold last night. Oh, well.

I got up to stretch real fast, my eyes never leaving Akito. A knock at the door sounded. "Come in" I say quietly. Hatori enters giving me a weird look, but then seemed to remember why he was here.

"How are you feeling, Miss. Honda?" he asks. Setting up the basic tools a doctor would use for a check up.

"Fine. I think I might have caught a cold but it's no big deal." I say smiling. I really don't want Hatori to waste his time with my common cold when Akito is shivering in a cold sweat. "You should take care of Akito first."

"Well you won't take long and I have a feeling Akito would want you to go first." he said. I didn't quite understand. I grumbled as he checked my heart beat and temperature. "You should be fine by tomorrow you are to stay in bed till then. I will have the maid Nagisa bring you your meals. You can either stay here or I can have Shizuya show you to a spare bedroom."

I looked Akito. I wanted to stay with him. I'd be worried sick over him if I wasn't here to know he was ok , but still something told me it'd be best that I go. "Ok." I said getting up.

"Wait here I'll go get Shizuya." The doctor said leaving. I sat on the edge of the bed watching Akito. Praying that he wouldn't wake up alone. Maybe I should have stayed after all. Sighing, I get up unable to help myself. I move over to him and give him a quick peck on the cheek. I love you, Akito. Get better soon.

A girl who I imagine must be Shizuya came about three minutes later and escorted me to a room down the hall four doors away. I felt myself relax. At least I was close if he did need me. The room was really nice but bland. It was quite large for a guest room. There were sliding glass doors that led to a part of the large garden outside. The sun was shining, lighting up the whole room. There was a queen sized bed with a soft golden and red flowered comforter and seven soft pillows atop it. There was a small desk of the right side of the room and a night stand next to the bed on the left. I crawled underneath the covers to get some rest knowing that I'd best do as Hatori says if I don't want to miss school again tomorrow.

Akito's Pov.

"It's ok Akito. Your not alone any more. I'm with you." 'Tohru'

"I'll stay with you. I'll be by your side, forever."

I awoke with a start. I looked around. She wasn't here. I was alone in my room. A minute or two later Hatori entered bowing in respect. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine!" I spat still disappointed.

"Should I inform Miss. Honda your awake? She's been waiting for you." he asked and I swear he was smirking as he said it. I could feel the heat starting to rise to my cheeks.

"Yes, send her in." I looked out the sliding glass doors at the garden as I waited. About three minutes later a knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I say impassively. Tohru entered quietly and rushed to my side.

"Akito!" she spoke, worry obvious in her voice. "Are you sure you should be out of bed? What about your fever?" I held up my hands in defense as she had somehow gotten quite close to me without either of us noticing then told her I was fine. I really do feel quite good today. I'd imagine Hatori told her my fever went down after I woke up and other than that I just have to deal with a common cold from being out so late last night.

We took a seat on the ledge in which I sat and watched her, Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, and Hatori as they left in good humor a week ago. It was insanity to think it's only been a week. Some how I've grown attached to her, kissed her, and claimed her mine (not aloud but in my mind) all in just one week. She'd welcomed me into her life happily less than a week after I yelled at her, told her she didn't belong with the Sohmas, and hurt her. I laughed aloud. Tohru turned her stare from the garden bathed in sunlight to me.

"What's so funny?" she asked sounding almost nervous.

"You. Me. The cruel humor of fate." I stated, but didn't elaborate when she looked at me strangely. I shrugged closing the subject and we both turned our attention to the garden once more.

It really was a beautiful day. Probably around one in the afternoon and the sun was still at it's peak. The flowers seemed to glow in the sunlight. It was the type of day that normally gave me a headache and I'd end up closing the binds and sleeping in my pitch black room. I unconsciously took Tohru's hand in my own. She looked at me and smiled. I'll admit (if only to myself) that I did blush, but only a little.

"Akito." I hmmed. "I wanna know more about you. Tell me about yourself." I sorta felt like I was being ordered around and as the head of the Sohma family that was simply unacceptable, but surprisingly I didn't mind talking about myself, so I simply counter attacked by saying I'd only tell her about me if she told me about her. She nodded in agreement. "So what do you wanna know?" she asked and we began talking for hours.

I learned the details about Tohru's mother and father. She really loved them. I learned her favorite color was pink and favorite flower was a daisy. School is important to her, but sometimes she struggles. She told me about her friends and said she'd have to introduce me when we went back tomorrow. On may sixth she will turn seventeen. I figured while we were on the topic of birthdays I'd tell her mine so it doesn't seem like I'm hiding it. My birthdays probably really close by now.

"I'll turn eighteen on April sixth." I stated matter of factly.

"Akito, that this Sunday! You should have told me. What are we doing to celebrate?" she asked enthused. Really this Sunday. I knew it was close but I didn't think it was that close already. Oh, well it's not like I ever do anything for my birthday anyhow.

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