Chap - 17 Akito's Birthday

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Chapter 17

Akito’s Pov.

I woke up in a surprisingly good mood for it being my birthday, normally someone would have been hurt by now. I was however slightly upset to wake up alone in bed. I guess somehow I’ve managed to get used to sleeping with Tohru. I stretched and headed down stairs for breakfast. I had woken up late and Tohru wasn’t in bed, so I knew they’d all be eating by now.

Entering the living room of course I was right. They were seated around the table Kyo by Tohru, Yuki by Shigure. Kyo and Yuki seemed a bit tense, then again it was my birthday and they have fair reasoning to be afraid. As soon as I entered the room Tohru smiled brightly at me and screamed “HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKITO!” I smiled slightly in return and nodded to her before I glared making sure they knew not to mention it. I knew better than to lose my temper with Tohru again, but if a single one of them brought it up then they deserve what they got.

Tohru grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen. “I made eggs and bacon as a change of pace. Figured we could use the energy for today.” she said smiling handing my a plate as she poured me some orange juice. “I already thought of where we could go for our date.” she said handing my juice.

It's a good thing I hadn't taken a drink yet or else I'm sure I would have done a spit take. Date. today?! I mentally groaned. I forgot last night I agreed to go on a date with her. ANY other day I'd be more than happy to have Tohru all to myself but TODAY?! The universe hates me. All I wanted to do today was hide in my room and avoid everyone, but I guess now I have a date.

“I thought maybe it’d be fun to go to Kenny Wood today.” she said with a small nervous smile. “I don’t know what it is, but they are having some new event there today and I thought It’d be a fun to check it out.” I don’t know why but that timid smile just made me need to reassure her. I’m not really all for stuff like amusement parks but if it’ll make her happy, well at least it’s better than sitting here sulking all day. Maybe getting out will make this day more bearable.

“Sounds great, so we’ll leave at about 4:30?” I asked knowing that it’s only about a half an hour away. She smiled widely and nodded as we headed out to the living room. Kyo and Shigure were watching the TV and Yuki was reading a book at the table. Tohru cleared the table and went to wash the dishes.

I ate my breakfast and tried to focus on my date with Tohru later but bitter memories of my birthday just kept flashing in my mind at random times making it completely impossible to focus on anything. Giving up on eating I threw away what was left and went to the kitchen to give Tohru my plate.

I sat my plate on the counter next to the sink where she was (obviously) doing the dishes before wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. She froze a moment before continuing to wash the dishes. Kissing her cheek I told her “Thanks for the breakfast. I’m going to bed, I’ll see you later.” tightening my grip on her slightly before letting go, I headed to my room. I sighed. I hope they get my place finished soon. I’m more comfortable alone then I am here in a house filled with people I‘ve done nothing but hurt.

Once in my room I grabbed my black iPod and turned in up when my favorite band came on; Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab and I sung the words quietly.

“(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,

An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun..)

Get out your guns, battles begun,

are you a saint, or a sinner?

If loves a fight, than I shall die,

with my heart on a trigger.

They say before you start a war,

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