Chap. 3 Uh, Hello

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 this chapter will switch pov.s' frequently so pay attention to the Pov. Labels throughout the chapter. Thank you J

Warnings: mild swearing and hints of Kyo x Yuki

Akito's Pov.

I am so f-ing STUPID! What the hell was I thinking? This is why I really shouldn't plan things on an impulse. I was in the car holding onto my black notebook as I continued to worry about the hell I had gotten myself into I, when I some how ended up thinking of that day with Tohru.

"I am happy I know you, Akito." her voice still echoes in my head. It was weird but when she said that I…I felt…I don't know what I felt exactly but it… it felt… sorta good. What was I thinking. Good. Huh. Happy she knows me? She doesn't know me. I have seen her what three times. I leaned my head against the cold window and fell asleep for the rest of the ride to Shigure's home. Or ,I guess now, my home.

Shigure's Pov.

What am I going to do? Akito should be here soon and I still haven't worked up the nerve to tell them he is going to live with us and go to their school. How will they react? They all have some sorta bad history with Akito. More importantly what are his motives? What's he up to? Anything involving Akito can't be good news. Or perhaps he really is doing this for Tohru? I wonder.

A sleek black car slid to a stop in the driveway. I walked off the porch to greet the head of the Sohma family with respect.

"Welcome to your new home. Akito."

Yuki's POV.

*Yawn* I hate mornings. I grabbed a my normal brand of cereal and sat down ate the table to eat with Tohru and Kyo.

"Where's Shigure?" Kyo asked as I poured the milk on to my cereal.

"Don't know. He's probably just in his study 'working' late again." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Why did it matter where the dang pervert was?

I heard a car pull into the drive way and when to the window to look.

"I didn't know we were having company." my brow furrowed in frustration. We live in the middle of in the woods for god's sake it's not like we have visitors everyday, and to be honest that's the way I prefer it.

"Neither did I. I better prepare some tea and snacks." Tohru commented and got up to do so. *pling* my spoon fell to the table as I dropped it in shock. I could feel my blood freeze. Shigure was outside in perfect view to welcome the guest. When the door to a black car opened to reveal nonother than the head of my family, the Sohma's/ my torturer, Akito Sohma.

Kyo's POV.

"Ahh, Yuki!" Tohru squealed as she ran to sit on the ground next to an unconscious Yuki. What the hell. We have a unexpected company so he faints? I knew he hated people but seriously? I stood over his unconscious body looking to make sure he was still breathing. He was, good, damn rat.

"He's fine." I said pulling off the ground putting his arm around my shoulder. "I'll take him to his room. Do you know where his inhaler is?" she looked worried. "Just in case, ya know." I explained in hopes to calm her before she found some way to make things seem worse than they were and then somehow find a way to blame herself. Honestly she could be such a worry wart.

"In the cabinet, in the bathroom next to his bedroom." she finally said still looking a bit nervous. I didn't have all that hard of time getting yuki up the stairs to his room. The damn rat weighed nothing'! I lied him on his bed then went to the bathroom quickly to grab his inhaler.

I came back hearing yuki cough and mumble something. He was shaking. Why? I sat on the end of his bed and carefully moved his head onto my lap. I prayed he would corporate and let me give him his inhaler, if it get to the point that he needs the Heimlich or something he can just die for all I care.

"…Akito…" he seemed to be coming conscious now. Wait Akito what then hell is he fucking talking about!

"Yeah, whata about im'?" what did Akito have to do with this morning? Maybe he was just having a night mare about him. Damn rat needs to be clearer about these things. Yuki turned to his side, shaking still, and clung to my waist as his head was still on my lap. What the hell could have shaken him up so much. I stared at his shaking frail figure clinging to me as though life depended on it and got something that was NOT a mothers instinct. I swear to god I AM a guy. Sooo… we'll just call it a Fathers instinct.

I began rub his back in what I hoped would be soothing so that he would calm down some then got close to his face and spoke what I again hope was soothing.

"Yuki." I tried. "Yuki, please, tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't." I ran my fingers through his hair. It was really soft. Almost like a girl, and although he looked scared, he looked beautiful. Are we sure he's not really a girl? Wait what am I thinking! Damn rat look what he's done to me!

I continued to run my fingers through his hair. He stirred and so that his head was now in a very awkward spot on my part. admittedly blushed, like a maniac, but continued to try and soothe him. Just then he finally became conscious… and aware of our position.

It was hilarious. The look on his face… I burst out laughing. He untangled his arms from my waste looked at me then literally jumped off my lap and fell on the floor. Yuki sat up and now is glaring me that the only correct way to describe is 'if looks could kill'.

"Stupid cat! What were you doing?" he shouted at me but I could tell he wanted to laugh too. Well lets fix that problem.

I got up and began to tickle him on his neck. He lied back on the floor and giggled as I tickled him.

" Ah-haha…s-stop it.. Haha" he stuttered and tried to fight me off of him. Like hell that was gonna happen. We stared at each other for a minute then it sunk in. O_O We were on the floor, together, with me ON TOP of HIM. This time I was the one that jumped off him with a huge blush on BOTH our faces.

"What the hell was that about ya damned rat?" he said refusing to look at him.

Yuki had regained his composure. "You're the one who was tickling ME, Stupid cat." he reminded me and I could feel the blush turning an even deeper red. Time to change the subject.

"Anyhow, what was with you fainting at breakfast this morning?" I asked successfully changing the subject.

"Shit, where's Miss. Honda?" he looked freaked. What the HELL is up with him today!

"Downstairs preparing snacks for the guest." I said wondering where he was going with this.

"Uh, Miss. Honda does she know who the guest is?" he insisted.

"Shigure is still with them outside I believe. So probably not. Why?" this damned guessing game was getting really old.

"It's Akito." he sounded in a voice so scary I wouldn't find possible coming from him and his girly voice. Maybe it was because he said the scariest person's ,to all of the Sohmas', name and I could think was Shit! We are sooooooooo fucking SCREWED!

Akito's POV.

After Shigure finished showing me where the construction would take place, I ordered the workers to begin. The sooner it was finished the better. We walked in the house. Shigure was droning on about… something. I don't know what. I wasn't paying attention.

"This will be your room." he said capturing my attention. "Feel free to rome about the house. You know the saying 'what's mine is yours'" he commented then left me to my thoughts. Thing is I don't want to think. It'll just piss me off which is not a smart thing to do when just arriving here, so I sat my things on my bed and began to rome around.

I could smell something good so I followed my nose to see what it was. Of course it led to the kitchen. I peaked my head in to see what was cooking and saw her.

"Oh, Uh, Akito. Hello. Uh, the snacks will be ready in just a minute." she smiled.

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