Chap. 15 Please, I Believe in You

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Yuki's Pov.

I sighed. Momji and Hatsuharu were waiting by the front gate. Momji waved franticly. He still wore a girls uniform though he was beginning to lose the childish roundness on his face. "Tohru!" he came up and hugged me, Kyo, ( who proceeded to give him a noggie) and Miss. Honda. Haru nodded to us with a small smile. Momji smiled brightly up at Tohru. "are you going to work? Can I walk with you? Dad said he wanted to see me" Tohru nodded to him with a smile.

"oh, I forgot to tell Akito I have work today."

"Go ahead Miss. Honda we'll tell him. You don't want to have to rush like this morning" I told her without realizing what I had said. Tohru smiled and hugged us.

" Thanks Yuki. Thanks Kyo." then turned to leave with Momji and Hatsuharu. I turned to Kyo who looked at me like he thought I was a different person. Only then did I realize my two major mistakes: one I just volunteered to go talk to Akito and two... it's just me and Kyo walking home now. He looked at me with pity in his eyes. He must have decided to cut me a break cuz the whole walk home not only did we not fight but we got along! We talked about school and ourselves, we both avoided mentioning Akito and our kisses with each other.

Tohru's Pov.

I let loose a sigh of relief. I guess I haven't gotten all my energy back after that cold. Pulling on my coat I told the information desk lady, Carla, goodbye and headed out prepared to run home as it was pouring rain. Rushing out of the building I began to make my way towards the outer gate.

" Your in a hurry." I turned to see Akito standing by the doors under an umbrella smirking. " Wanna share?" he asked gesturing to the umbrella he held, shielding him from the cold pouring rain. A shiver ran down my spine and I nodded. It's rude to decline an offer.

Giggling I stepped under the umbrella and slipped my arm through his. Akito smiled at me. It was the most beautiful smiled I'd ever seen. He should smile more often. He smirked at me " Your starring." he said then kissed me lightly on the lips. "Come on everyone's waiting." I smiled as we walked home arm and arm talking about anything that came to mind. Yep mom I'm completely sure. I am in love with Akito.

When we arrived home I was surprised to see Kyo and Yuki sitting on the couch. Kyo was watching the TV and Yuki had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Honestly they looked really cute like that. See I thought they'd make a good couple. I wish I had a picture. Akito pulled me into the kitchen. "Hungry?" my stomach grumbled speaking for it's self. Akito smiled that amazing smile of his for the second time that day and it made me feel so happy I could have kissed him again. Of course I didn't though!

Akito and I began getting out the ingredients for our meal and began to cook. honestly I was surprised Akito knew how to cook. "When I was ten I was also pretty healthy. My parents were always away but since I was doing pretty well they let Hatori take a break for a month. During that month the only people in the Sohma estate was me and my maid Nagisa who at the time was pregnant with Kisa and couldn't do much. So she taught me the basics so I could cook for myself so she could rest when she was done with cleaning." He explained. After we ate and cleaned up Akito went to get a shower while I headed up to my room to work on English which (thankfully) was my only homework for tonight.

I walked in my room and put my bag on my bed. I sat the English on my desk and began to work. I'd been working for a little over half an hour when my pencil broke. Sighing I grabbed my bag to get out another one. "found it" I sat it down on the bed so I could put away all the stuff I had to take out to find it. Sighing again as I noticed the pencil fall off I reached down to pick it up. " Ow!" Pulling my hand to my chest I looked to see my pointer finger was bleeding carefully I got off the bed to see what had cut me. I heard a sharp intake of breath. Oh that was me. On the floor next to my fallen pencil was a knife darkened by old blood stains. I stared at it and the tears started to fall without my consent as I remembered what happened last night. After a while I realized what this meant and that I had to decide what to do with it. If I gave it back he could use it on me or worse on himself, but if I kept it, it might seem like I don't trust him. I do trust him not to hurt me but what if he hurts himself? Mom, what should I do? Just getting rid of it doesn't seem right some how.

I looked to my right at the digital clock on my night stand. Twelve o two. I'd been sitting here thinking what to do with Akito's knife for over an hour. Slowly I stood up and walked out of my room. Walking up to Akito's door part of me hoped he'd gone to sleep, while the other part was determined to do this. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I took one last deep breath before walking in. Akito was seated at his desk. To late to turn back now so I let the determined side take over. I walked up to him holding the knife out in both hands. His eyes widened for a fraction of a second when he saw it.

"Akito I want to return this to you because I trust you. No matter what happened last night, I still trust you. I still feel safe when I'm with you. Being with you makes me happy, S-So please," I fell to the floor at his feet. Dropping the knife I grabbed his hand and pulled his long sleeve up revealing his scar covered wrist. I stared horrified for a moment. Tears filled my eyes as I held hand to my face. "Please don't hurt yourself." I said sadly. "I-I care about you Akito! I couldn't possibly bare to lose you. S-So please don't EVER hurt yourself again!"

Woo-hoo! Epic cliff hanger if I do say so myself J Thanks to Dark-Kurama976 for beta reading she has been a huge help through out this story. As I said I will try to update faster this time (anyone else think I have been saying that since the first chapter?) the story isn't too far away from ending and pretty soon there will be… 2 time skips.

Also I have decided that when this story is over there are a few side stories I would like to write for it so be looking forward to that. Trust me I have some AWESOME ideas :D

Also Also I just got a twitter! Check it out :) www. twitter .com/RowennaAnderson

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