Chap. 8 The Begining

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Warnings: Kyo x Yuki and Akito x Tohru EPIC-NESS! (try not to die of the epic-ness plz if you do I am not responsible for your death)

Tohru's Pov.

"Come with me." Akito said and I followed. It was no decision and it wasn't forced, it… was natural. Being with him like this, came naturally.

He led me into a taxi. Wonder where we could be going this late that we'd have to take a taxi to get there? Maybe he needs to stop at the Sohma estate for something he forgot? Oh, well I don't really mind were we go I'm having fun just being with him like this.

I turn my head to look at him only to find that he'd been glaring at me. mental face palm, oh, what did I do now? It was then I noticed Akito wasn't glaring but staring at me. I gave him a genuine smile that I hoped had helped to hid the deep blush I could feel rising to my face.

"Right here's fine." he paid the driver and we got out. I looked around confused. We were on the side of the road forest blanketing both sides of us. "This way..." I looked over to him. Akito was already heading into the woods. It was already dark out, and much too dangerous to go into the woods. Especially when I did not know where we were or where we were going. Still I followed him.

"Will you let go of my hand your squeezing it!" Akito yelled a few minutes later as we continued to walk through the woods, somewhat shocked I immediately let go.

"S-sorry..!" Hearing a sharp cracking sound I screamed.

"What?" he asked.

"A-a snake…!" Akito rubbed his temple.

"Are you serious? Is this how you react when you see Ayame?"

"N-no, but I'm… anxious. I've never been in these woods and its dark." I explained ashamed of my childishness. He looked at me softly. I never knew Akito had a side like this. It's amazing, how much you don't see until you get to know a person.

Akito held out his hand and looked straight at me as he spoke. "Come on. We're almost there." I took his hand slowly and we continued on.

"Akito, is it ok if I ask where we are going?" He sighed softly.

"A very special place, my favorite place." he said quietly saying no more as he led us farther into the woods.

A few minutes later we had arrived. The sun had fallen for the moon. It shown through the trees casting little moonlight onto the area, it was almost complete darkness.

"We're here" he said as he pulled some branches out of the way to reveal the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. It was a little old abandoned park. Everything seemed to glow in the full moon's light as if it too were a small earth bound moon. Akito stepped out of the trees and took a seat on a large rock. I stared at him in awe. He too glowed in the moonlight. He glowed brighter than the moon itself.

I was so happy I started to cry softly. Akito looked at me like I was insane. I laughed as I continued to tear.

"What's wrong now?" he asked beginning to sound annoyed.

"It's just…I'm just so happy you would share a place like this with me. I-it makes me so happy." I explained truthfully. The tears stopped now and I smiled and walked over to sit beside him taking his hand in my own as we watched the night sky.

Yuki's Pov.

"Yuki!" I heard Kyo's voice in the distance. stupid cat. Oh, Tohru where are you? sigh. I wiped away some tears.

"Yuki!" shit. Kyo walked over to me. damn this is so embarrassing. I'm not supposed to show my tears. Especially not to Kyo! He'd probably just yell at me to do something about it then make fun of me as I did. How'd he find me? I thought I'd hidden pretty well. Behind some trees and bushes there was (for reasons I didn't know) a little lean-to that when sitting in you could have a perfect view of the tree tops and sky. sigh. I looked away from hoping he hadn't noticed I was still crying as he took a seat next to me.

He looked at the sky and said "you know the reason Shigure called was to tell us Tohru called. She's fine and considering the time she will be home soon." I stared at him while the last of my tears ran down. He looked over at me.

Kyo's Pov.

I don't really know what came over me but I guess I was getting used to it now so I didn't pay it much mind as I wiped away the last of Yuki's tears from his eyes.

We sat there looking at each other for a minute when a loud BOOM had caught our attention. We looked up to the sky to see a colorful firework display. I laughed. Well that caught me off guard.

I looked over to Yuki who was still watching the sky. I'll be honest he was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. If anyone ever found out I even thought that I'd be dead. Or wishing I was. He seemed to glow in the moon light. I looked down a bit disappointed I had no such glow. I looked to him again surprised to see him looking back. I quit thinking and moved toward him slowly. Yuki's eyes widened before he closed them and slowly moved forward.

When my conscious resurfaced my mind was practically screaming. Oh God ! I am KISSING YUKI! The even scarier part was I couldn't tell if I was freaking out in a good way or a bad way. After a second Yuki's seemed to have the same thought and gently pulled his lips away blushing lightly as he did so.

Akito's Pov.

Tohru and I were looking at the sky when a colorful eruption sounded. The festival must be setting off fireworks. I looked over to Tohru smiling like child enjoying the fireworks.

"Tohru." and she turned to look at me and blushed as she noticed how close our faces were. I myself hadn't noticed that I was leaning forward. We stared at each other for a while before growing tired of our little staring game. Leaning more in I placed a small kiss on her lips before pulling a way and watching the fireworks.

She sat there frozen for a moment before leaning her head on my shoulder. She smelt nice. I smirked to myself as we watched the grand finally. Smiling to myself I thought See, she is mine.

Well REVIEW/COMMENT! They inspire me blah blah blah etc. etc. etc… also I want to thank everyone for reading / reviewing/ commenting/ favoriteing ! :D THANK YOU! OH, and thanks to Dark-Kurama 976 for Beta Reading!

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