Chapter 19- Thank you Tohru

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Chapter 19

Tohru’s Pov.

Two weeks have never seemed so long. Don't get me wrong, I had fun spending time with Kyo and Yuki. Kisa, Shiro, and Kagura even came over for a visit a few times. Yuki’s brother visited for a day too. Shigure happened to let it slip out on the phone with him that Yuki was dating Kyo, and then he was over here fawning over Yuki and Kyo. He brought a lot of dresses too! I got to try one on again too but he said the rest was a 'welcome to the family, be gentle with him' present for Kyo, though I'm not quite sure what he meant by that Kyo's already his family.

Today Akito would be coming home. Oh mom I'm so excited. As much fun as I’d had I still missed him so much! Right now I am practically bouncing up and down as Shigure, Yuki, and I stood waiting at the airport to pick him up. “Flight 152 has arrived” a voice on the intercom said then continued on to direct people where to go to pick up their friends, family, and luggage. 

“Boo.” came a quite voice in my ear right behind me. 

“Ahhh!!” I screamed turning around to be wrapped in a hug. I couldn’t help smiling. “ Akito, You scared me!” He just smirked in response. I laughed holding him tighter. 

“Take it you missed me too?” He asked let me go and just held one hand while he used the other to ruffle Yuki’s hair who flinched but gave a small smile and nodded.

“OF COURSE!” I said feeling exasperated. He was my boyfriend, for god sake mom, he must know I missed him like crazy. He smiled at me obviously pleased with my reaction and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

Akito’s Pov. 

I missed her so much it was near impossible to get work done correctly. My mind kept wondering off and I even found myself missing those other idiots I was living with a bit. I barely slept as I was u coughing a lot. it’s the worst id been in a while but still a lot better since I started school. It always got worse when I was alone. 

Surprising I’d never noticed that before. Well I suppose not really. I was pretty much always alone before, now there’s Tohru and somehow because of her the others are beginning to…accept? me. I wonder if maybe it has something to do with the curse. As the head of course I know the curse but it’s been passed down for many generations and parts have undoubtly been lost or altered. 

School had been interesting and I’d managed to become friends with Misa and Usui. My grades were fairly high as the head of the Sohma family I was well educated. As I was home schooled and often sick I would often just read or study. Everyday I walk home with Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki, occasionally joined by Hatsuharu or Momji. 

As school had been on my mind a lot I decided to visit an American school during my visit to the US. Luckily for me a Sohma, not of the zodiac, worked at a high school nearby where I was staying. They’d recently had a dancing event they call a “Snow Ball” so like a Ball held in honor of winter. It sounded interesting so I made a call and arranged to meet with a student. Apparently they would have another dance in the spring and at the end of the school year. The dance at the end of school year was known as ‘Prom’ and it was just for year 11 and 12 students along with their dates. 

Along with dances American schools had many different customs that the Japanese didn’t. Such as they left their shoes on at school, they eat lunch in a large cafeteria together, and the year system is different. 

It was really interesting and it gave me an idea. I really couldn’t get Tohru off my mind so as I was there I was trying to think of something I could bring back for her. I want something unique and fun just like her. It’s time like this were it’s good to be the head of such an influential family. I’d talk to Yuki about my idea after we get home. 

Kyo’s Pov. 

Damn it! I can’t help it. I’m not just nervous I’m scared. I admit it, I’m scared of Akito. It’ll be worse if he finds out later that Yuki and I are together, but that doesn’t mean I expect him to just smile and say it’s okay. What if he separates us? I was panicking as I paced around in Yuki’s room as he sat on the bed his knees to his chest. 

Sighing I flopped down on the bed next to him and put my arm around him. “We’ll be okay.” I said as he reached up to intertwine our fingers. I would be the one to tell Akito. He’d hurt Yuki enough in the past, I’m not going to allow him to do it again when he was just finally beginning to let his guard down. The car horn beeped and we went down stairs to help Akito with his luggage. 

Other than exchanging hellos we didn’t talk as we carried Akito’s things to his room until he did. “There are a few suit cases in the trunk still that need to go to my house.” we nodded and followed, us each carrying a suit case to his house just a pathway through the woods away. After helping him to unpack he spoke again. “Yuki, I need to talk to you.” Yuki froze and looked at me. 

“Actually Akito, would it be okay if we talk to you about something first?” He nodded taking a seat on the bed and looked at us expectantly. I took Yuki’s hand for some moral support as he looked ready to start hyperventilating. Knowing better than to keep Akito waiting I took a deep breath and said it. Or at least I was going to but Yuki spoke before me. 

“I want to date Kyo. May we have your blessing as head of the Sohma family and as our friend?” Yuki had stopped shaking and was standing tall. I smirked, that damn rat. Of course he’d be able to think about it rationally and get over his fear before I could screw it up demanding to be allowed our relationship. I looked at Akito who was frowning. 

It was silent for a moment and I could tell Yuki was sweating just as bad as me from his hand before Akito finally spoke. “ I…” He began but stopped frowning again. “…Fine. You have my permission to date.” I let out a huge breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “But, Kyo.” I froze. “Don’t take this as you’re a part of the zodiac now.” I nodded well aware. Frankly, I didn’t care. The cat had always been treated like a prisoner, but I was allowed to walk free, I was allowed to be with the one I loved despite him being the rat, I was blessed. 

We bowed giving our thanks and turned to leave before he stopped us. “I still have a favor to ask of Yuki.” Yuki nodded and sat in front of him as I waited by the door. 

“ I want to surprise Tohru with something really special and I need your help to do it.” Yuki gasped obviously surprised it was such a request coming from Akito and I smiled at them. Akito really has changed. Thank you Tohru. Thank you so much. 

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