Our Story Begins

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(I don't own Sword Art Online)

Asuna pov

"Omg!A ring! It's a RING!!! It's actually real!!" I thought to myself as a smile hung across my face. "A ring, eh? What am I gonna do with you now?" I kept looking at the ring inside its small little cute box. Should I wear it on my finger to school tomorrow? Or should I wear it like a necklace? If mother saw this she will definitely kill me. I can already imagine the amount of fire around her ."sigh"." I love you. Kirito-kun" I said to myself before a yawn followed. Well, I should go to bed now. I wouldn't want to be late to school. And so I put away the little ring box into my dresser drawer and went to bed, excited for the next day.

The next day
I actually got up earlier than expected to just wonder what i should do with the little thing. "I think I should wear it as a necklace. That way mother wouldn't notice." I thought to myself as I search through to drawer for a cute yet simple string to hang onto my neck.- Few minutes later- "that should do it." I look to myself in the mirror with my uniform on. "eeekkkkkk I'm soooo happyy" I can't wait to meet kirito. I hid my necklace in my uniform and went downstairs to eat breakfast with my parents.

Time went by as I eat my breakfast with my parents. I quickly prepared a few bento sandwiches for me and my beloved swordsman. "Remember to be back immediately after school, your father and I have something to tell you." Mother said to me with a fierce face. "alright."while on my way to school, I pondered to myself. "My grades are ok, what would mother want to talk about?" A thought came to my mind. I hope it's not about kirito-kun. I prayed while I walk to shoe rack.

"Heya Asuna,good morning! whatcya thinking bout there? Planning some romantic date with kirito eh? " Liz suddenly spoke. "good morning, and it's not like what you're thinking about." Liz patted me on my back. "Well, see you after school." we waved our goodbyes and I walked to my classroom. I sat on my desk and pulled out my phone. "one new message" I opened and it was from kirito. "Let's eat our lunch at the rooftop, meet you there, bye. <3" I smiled and
replied "okay. Meet you there."

First period started and I took out the books for class, time is ticking and I can't wait for lunchtime.

Hello everyone:)) This is my first time writing a  fanfic soooooo

Be gentle :3

hope you enjoy ^^ part 2 will be out soon :)

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