3 reasons a jinn would enter inside the body - Jinn series.

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أعوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ
"I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from Shaytaan, the accursed"

"Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm" meaning "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"

As Salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatoulla Wa Baraqatuhu.

Today I came with a very, very new genre. I wanted first to do it apart because I started posting stories about the Prophets and I do not want you guys to get confused with all these stories. But as I started writing about the story of Iblis first which is a Jinn, and that I want to talk about the Jinns, I thought that I'd post it here.

Please don't get scared after reading this and do not fear the Jinn because they are creatures just like us, and we all have been created by Allah (SWT) so the one we should fear is Allah (SWT) not the Jinn nor Shaytaan, the accursed. 

This chapter will be about 3 ways a Jinn would possess the human; the reasons why a jinn would enter inside the human body. 

Jinn in Arabic literally means "hidden from sight" and is derived from the Arabic root j'n'n (pronounced: jann-junn meaning "to hide" or "be hidden"

Praise be to Allah (SWT)

The fact that jinn can enter human bodies is proven in the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic teachings), and by the consensus of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (main body of Muslims who are united upon the Sunnah), and by real-life events. No one disputes this apart from the M'utazilah (a deviant sect) who gives priority to their own rational analysis over the evidence of the Quran and Sunnah.

And I've found that there's three ways a jinni would actually enter inside of your body. What would cause that?

Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah named 3 reasons, but with the research I've done, I've found out more than 3 but I'm just going to put the most important ones.

Here are the reasons:

1- Revenge

We all know that the Jinns are the creations of Allah (SWT) and they do have the freedom to choose; the ability to do right or to do wrong. So they could commit sins and injustice, and they would be judged also as well just like human beings.

So the reasons why a jinni would oppress the human is when the human unintentionally harmed the Jinn, and the jinn thinks that it's on purpose or intentional.

So the jinn would possess the human for revenge and it usually due to one of the following reasons:

-Pouring boiling water: Boiling water can cause harm to the jinn or even kill them. If a person for example pours boiling water in the bathroom or in the lavatory while cleaning, and does not say Bismillah before they pour water, a jinn could be sleeping there, perhaps a baby, or a young jinn and they will be killed or harmed, and the family, or tribe of the jinn will want to take revenge.

-Urinating in places where jinn reside: The jinn reside in inhabited or deserted places where human beings do not frequently visit, and tend to take control of these areas and make them their homes. Such as: caves or woodlands. If a jinn is sleeping or sitting with his family by a bush for example, and a human comes and urinates there, where the jinn resides, and he doesn't say Bismillah beforehand, the jinn can take control of him, since they feel that he has caused them harm, so the effect will be that they will cause him harm in return.

*A person experimented this before, where a brother came to him, he read ruqya for him, and the jinn had explained that he had taken control of this person because of his actions in a park.

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