الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله🌹
🌚السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 🌚
I've decided to come up with a few questions to test your knowledge about Islam and about what you guys have learnt so far.
Do not worry, the questions are quite smooth and easy to respond. For each good answer worth 2 points.NB: if you're interested about this genre of book I could make another book titled "Islamic quizzes"📱basing on different Islamic themes like the prophets, marriage etc. I'd create a lovely and holy competition among the muslimah/muslims to have fun while learning more about our religion. What do you guys think?
Like I said earlier, each good answer worth 2 points. The questions are very easy, nothing to hard. I'm just starting smoothly. So let's dig into it!
I - What does 'Islam' mean? 💐
A - Submission
B - Adoration
C - PeaceII - What did Allah create the mankind & jinns for? 🌚
A - To love Him
B - To consider Him
C - To worship Him.III - Who are the two famous sons of the Prophet Adam (AS)? 🌿
A - Jibreel & Israfel
B - Habil & Qabil
C - Munkar & NakirIV - What are the Angels made of? 💫
A - Light
B - Mud
C - DarkV - Who's the last Prophet of Allah? 🌹
A - Dâwoud (AS)
B - Yusuf (AS)
C - Muhammad (SAW)VI - Who's Maryam the great woman in Islam? 🌷
A - The wife of Zachary
B - A great woman
C - The mother of Jesus or Isa (AS)VII - Who's the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ? 🌺
A - Aisha (RA)
B - Fateema (RA)
C - Assiya (RA)VIII - How many times should a Muslim performs his Salah ? 🌱
A - 12
B - 5
C - 8_____
That's all the questions for today. Each good answer worth 2 points. If you get a 8/8 I'll give you a reward. I'll give the response later.If you want for more please give me a thumb up. 👍🏾
The path of Islam ✨
SpiritualIslamic reminder book which contains a lot of helpul stories including the story of Iblis on how he became Shaytaan and the stories of the Prophets (May peace be upon them). - There's also a bunch of reminding stories for you to always remind yo...