بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
" Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm" meaning "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"
As salamu Aleykoum Wa rahmatullahi Wa Baraqatouhu.
I hope you all are doing fine, Alhamdoulillah.
Today, I came with a story about a man who's committed Zina. This story really gives me goosebumps guys and it'll make us think that It's not about how you live your life in this world. But it's all about how you'll be raised in front of Allah (SWT). And this eludes us to the point that whatever you die upon is what you shall be raised upon. So let your last deed be your best one insh'Allah.
But some people would say "how? We don't even know when we'll die !" That's the point, you should always get ready because you don't know when Al Mawt will come visit you, you don't ! So if you wake up everyday with no problem, always be thankful to Allah (SWT) and make maximum of good deeds, but this has to be genuine. This has to come from the heart.
This is the story of a muslim man who's committed Zina and then died in Sujood. Subhan'Allah. He committed Zina and then he died in Sujood, mash'Allah, what a great end, what a great repentence towards Allah (SWT).
There's a brother, we gonna name him Ahmad, so Ahmad came overseas to seek a bachelor's degree in any field. And this was the first time he got freedom from his family. In his society people are very religious, very practicing so he couldn't have the fun he always wanted and then he came to a place like England where he is in a free mixing in college (university). You know when you're in a society where no girl look at you, there's no girl in your class and now all of sudden they're sitting next to you. And you can actually find an excuse to talk to them.
"Hey, can I borrow a pen? Excuse me, can I borrow some paper? A pencil?" and conversation becomes easy. And now that you have a foreign accent, OMG you're a fitna for them !
And this was the reality he went through; that he came from a foreign land and this attraction hit him right away. The initial stages were that he'd just go out for lunch or for some meetings and that his how life continued; he never actually committed Zina.
But one day though, he went to a party and he committed Zina (Haram sex) out of pure emotion and when he was done, he just lay there thinking "I have just ruined myself" . And at that particular moment he didn't know what to do, where to go, he didn't have any close friends that would guide him. He knew that the only place he could go was to go back to his hometown.
So he booked a ticket back to Saudi Arabia where he was from and on his way he had a stopover in the country of Qatar. While he's in Qatar, he goes to the prayer area and he's just crying. And you'll see that this is one of those awkward situations that you'll encounter. When you see a grown man crying like a baby, he's crying like a baby. What do you do in that situation ? So one of the students of Sheikh Ibn Baaz saw this man and goes up to him and says :"Oh man, why are you crying? What's wrong?" and Ahmad explained to him the situation : "I've comitted Zina and I have destroyed myself and the only way I can get rid of this pain is if I go back and have the hudud (islamic punishment) implemented on me. This is the only way I'll be purified."
The student calms Ahmad down and says to him : "look, don't do anything rash. le'ts go back to the riyadh togheter and we'll deal with the situation." So they head back to Riyad but Ahmad kept on crying throughout the whole journey. He felt really bad for what he's done. The student says to Ahmad : "Look we've arrived in riyadh, go spend the night at home. I will call you in the morning. Just make sure you don't do anything and just wait until I call you." The next morning, the student calls Sheikh Ibn baaz and he told him about the story and asked him what to do. Sheikh Ibn Baaz replied "Tell this man not to turn himself in but rather as the sin has been hidding from people then he continues to hide it, tell him to rather seek forgiveness to Allah (SWT) and turn himself to the Quran, tell him to let Allah (SWT) be his guide."
So this is what the Sheikh said to the student and the student calls Ahmad up and says : "Look the Sheikh said don't turn yourself in, death is the easy way out, this pain and suffering will not be taken away from that act and Allah (SWT) does not want this from you, but rather Allah (SWT) wants you to rectify your ways, so turn back to Him."
So this is what Ahmad decided to do, a couple of days go by and he starts reading the Quran and starts praying in the Masjid and he says that he'd never missed a single salah in the masjid since that event took place. Mash'Allah, see that he's really determinated to seek Allah's Forgiveness, mash'Allah. This continues for about two weeks, now the student has disappeared from the life of Ahmad, there's no contact between them and then one day, he notices that he has a missed call from Ahmad and he says : "Later on I'll give him a call."
Another couple of days go by and Ahmad's house is calling now. His phone number is showing up on the student's phone, five, six, times. The student calls the house back and they respond : "We need to speak to you, Ahmad needs your help." and the student says : "definitely, I'll come and see you tonight after I pray Ishaa".
He prayed Ishaa and heads over to the house and sees that something isn't just right. You know when you walk into a place and no one will say anything but you can see it from their faces, you can see right from their sights that something just isn't right. So the student goes to the father and they greet one another and then the father spoke up, he says: " I don't even know what to say to you, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, because I know if it hadn't been for you, this wouldn't have happened" and the student is thinking "what did i do?" and he asked what happened and the father says "let me show you" and the father says "Ahmad went and prayed Salat-ul Ishaa tonight and he came back to pray his sunnah's and he was in his room for a really, really long time and we went to seek him out because we didn't know what had happened to him but I want to show you." He took the student to Ahmad's room and there Ahmad was in sujood and Allah (SWT) took his life away at that time.
And that's how he passed away. This is the story of an individual, not who was righteous but this man committed Zina, one of the biggest sins in Islam and how Allah (SWT) took his life away. And Insh'Allah when he's resurrected, that's the deed he is going to be resurrected on; making prostration to Allah (SWT). And that is why when it comes to pain and suffering it only becomes negative when it creates a barrier between you and Allah (SWT). But pain and suffering becomes positive when it motivates you and brings you back to Allah (SWT). And this what you guys need to realize that this point of pain and suffering is not that Allah (SWT) wants to punish you, but rather this is a calling from him Allah (SWT) "O my slave, come back to your Lord. O my slave, this is a reminder for you that I want to bring you back to Me." (this part made me cry a lot, like Allah loves us so much, He just wants our best but we don't see it sometimes and tend to be ungrateful towards Him and that's so sad.)
And you can react one of two ways : either you can deal with the pain at that moment and decide to get closer to our Lord or you can decide to just restrict that pain to yourself, not to anything about it and then you'll see what it does to your deen.
As Salamu Aleykum.
The path of Islam ✨
SpiritualIslamic reminder book which contains a lot of helpul stories including the story of Iblis on how he became Shaytaan and the stories of the Prophets (May peace be upon them). - There's also a bunch of reminding stories for you to always remind yo...