All praise is due to Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. We praise Him, and seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the mischief of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides cannot be misguided and whomsoever Allah misguides cannot be guided. Peace and blessings be upon the final messenger, Muhammad (SAW), upon his family and his noble companions- آمين ✨
🌹الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله🌹
🌚السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 🌚
Before I begin the story I want to ask, which women do we think are most valuable?
Which women should we try to be like?
There is a beautiful hadith which says:
"Many men attained perfection, but only three women attained it: Maryam, the daughter of 'Imraan [Jesus's mother], Aasiyah, Pharaoh's wife, and Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid." (Ibn Mardooyah)
Do we seriously take them as our true role models?
Here's a story, a woman has related and the story goes as follow :
"The story I am about to narrate, make me feel a sting in my heart. In fact, I think it would be more befitting if I should cry."
This is what happened about 7 to 8 years ago:
"I was in class once. The class had either free time or the teacher still wasn't there... I really don't remember. What I do remember is everyone in the class was Muslim.
Beside me was... well, this sister. I really didn't know her much. In fact, other than her name, I knew almost nothing about her. Yet, I would still consider her as a friend.
She was very quiet and didn't participate in class. The sister was very modest. She wore a hijab and a loose garment. She use to wear her hijab so beautifully, a large scarf that she would cover her shoulders, back and bosoms with. I remember that clearly because the other girls didn't wear it like that.
Unlike the other girls wearing hijab, she didn't have her hoop earrings sticking out, she didn't pluck her eyebrows, didn't giggle with the boys whenever she had the chance, didn't hang out with the boys after school, didn't talk about the latest hip-hop song that was out, wasn't loud and etc.
She didn't tie her hijab to the back, but covered her chest, she didn't try to get the boys attention, she didn't wear eye-liner and heavy lip gloss like the rest of the girls.
One day as I sat, a couple of boys next to us were talking about girls, I think they were talking about hooking up with girls from the class, or who they would like to hook up with... again, my memory is fuzzy.
Among the boys, there was one boy who was very loud.
One boy mentioned that sister's name to the loud boy... as a cruel joke.
As soon as the name was mentioned, the boy started screaming and shouting in protest something like (don't remember all the details)
"Ewww, shut up! Shut up!"
"Ha ha ha ha!!! Eww Man, don't play like that!!
"Ew, Her? Yo, she got a messed up face"!
"Her face is messed up!"
He repeated something like this a couple of times, in front of everyone ...
Of course the sister heard.
Some boys were laughing. I think even some girls were laughing, also. Not sure if anyone objected. I don't remember all the details.
In fact, even I stayed quiet.
From the best of what I remember (and I don't remember all the details), during the silence, I noticed that she was crying ...
She was crying, and she had her face covered with her hands. She tried to be as quiet as possible, but I heard her ...
She hunched her back, put her head down as low as it could have gone, and wept. When I looked at her, there were a lot of tears ...
The boy noticed she was crying. The words of comfort he had for her were, "Yo, just chill. Just chill."
The most awful part of the story as I think about it is that the boy who humiliated her in the class was also a Muslim.
I stared ahead ... with a blank expression, and then looked at him.
"Yo, just chill. Just chill," he repeated.
Now that I recall, I wish I had said something.
It's sad that the sister who dressed the most modestly got dismissed in class as being ugly. May Allah make all her affairs easy.
In this ignorant society, we are fooled to think that the women who are lacking modesty are valuable.
My message:
Don't ever in your life get fooled to think that the value and worth of a woman is in her beauty.
What does the Qur'aan say:
Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All Aware" [al-Hujuraat 49:13].
"The true value of a woman rests in her level of taqwa and good deeds, not in her transient worldly earnings." (The Ideal Muslimah, by Muhammad al Hashimi)
🌹A few word from me🌹
A day ago, 3 men were involved in a fatal car crash. Sadly, 2 of them, Abdelmoniem Elsheikh and Khalid Saad, passed away during the crash. The third, Yahia Ogeil, is currently in ICU in a coma.
Please take a moment out of your busy lives and make a Dua for these young men who were only 17 years old.Indeed انا لله و إنَّا إليه راجعونMay Allah forgive their sins and grant them Jannah and give Yahia a full and safe recovery. It's amazing how life can change in just an instance... Join us to say Ameen. 💎
The path of Islam ✨
SpiritualIslamic reminder book which contains a lot of helpul stories including the story of Iblis on how he became Shaytaan and the stories of the Prophets (May peace be upon them). - There's also a bunch of reminding stories for you to always remind yo...