As Salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatoula Wa baraqatuhu.Brothers and sisters, welcome in this chapter. I hope you're having an amazing day because I'm having an amazing so if I'm having an amazing day, you all should be having an a-m-a-z-i-n-g h-a-p-p-y day.
Well, today I came with a new topic which is love between brothers and sisters. For those who are in relationships or those who look forward to. You know there's a rule, I mean there's a way to approach a girl without sounding or looking pervert. Love does exist. But please brothers and sisters the whatsapp, snapchat and facebook stuff are a very inappropriate way to make an approach towards a woman.
I'm especially talking to these young teenagers who kind of just recently shot a text message and somebody messaged them back and you know little wink stuff and the little thing happens. Even though you go in a separate school, but in recess you saw each other and this and that happened.
Let me just fill you ina little. All of this; is a product of low self-esteem. You think you're ugly,so if a guy thinks that you're cute you're like "Oh really?" You think that I am beautiful"? "Hohohoho, I'm the happiest woman on earth" And you're happier than the happy emoticon because he said that he thinks that you're cute. But what if he says the contrary? You'll sort of have a little depression and sadness.
And you think nobody is gonna like you, nobody is gonna marry you and all that stuff. That's all a part of low sef-esteem. And there's Shaytaan who starts playing with your mind, you start playing depressing songs and you feel like the lyrics were adressed to you. And all of sudden, the blue sky becomes gray. I know that some girls have depression because of that, because I personally do have a friend who's like that.
But there's no reason to be sad or depressed about it. Allah (SWT) Created you this way, we all do have flaws and virtues but we live with it, because that's what make us feel different. Imagine we all had to ability to create ourselves the way we wanted, then no one would be better than someone else. Then ugliness wouldn't exist, but no one is ugly anyway Wallahi. All human beings are beautiful. If you are embarrassed with your flaws, somebody Allah has created also is gonna like them for you.
So you need to fight against shaytaan for this, because he doesn't want you to be self-confident, he doesn't want you to feel at easy with your own body. And you're unconsciously being ungrateful towards The One Who has created you, in other word you're displeased with the way Allah (SWT) Created you. And Subhana'Allah, may Allah please Forgive us about it.
And on the other hand, most of the guys you know, as a woman I don't know what's going on in your head. But just because you have raging hormones and the fact that you're like day dreaming about girls doesn't mean that you're in love. It just means that you haven't controlled your temptations yet. And because of that, you're ruining someone's life ! You're ruining somebody's entire family. Do you sometimes realize what you're doing? And you call it love?
If she was like 50lbs fatter, would you still be in love?
If she was a burn victim or something,
If her hand burnt off, if she has no legs anymore
And one ear is missing. Would you still be in love?
Or would you find somebody else to love all of a sudden? And if you can't answer to these questions then come on, you're not in love, you're just hormonal.
This is what we have done to relationships that are supposed to be beautiful.
Marriage is supposed to be extremely beautiful. It is supposed to be a beautiful lifelong relationship. But because you're watching all of these stupid models on TV, and dumb serial like TELE-NOVELAS when we see women throwing themselves at men and you're slowly developing a delusional concept of what it means to have love in your life. And this is sad because my sisters and probably somebody's else sisters are obsessed with these nonsenses.
Our deen came to free the world from this nonsense. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't marry someone you like, you should. And it is also normal to be attracted to your future spouse, it is okay to find a girl beautiful, Allah (SWT) puts that in you. That's all fine, but what I'm trying to say here is that there's a decency that you have to exhibit before that, women are not toys, they are some precious diamonds, and these unmarried women that you think you can play with are the honour of a family.
But if you think that is okay to talk to a girl like that, then you should be okay with someone else talking to your sister like that too.
Try to control yourself, our deen teaches us self-control. And if you cannot exhibit self-control in one aspect of life. You'll lose self-control in any other aspects of life. Same thing for the girls, control yourself, control your overly friendly demeanour in certain situations. And keep in mind that you represent the honour of your family, you're called to be a housewife, you're called to be the mother of your future children Insha'Allah. You should give the example, because your parents have put their trust in you and don't you break it because of an hormonal guy.
Trust Allah (SWT) because He has already created the one who is meant for you. So keep your dignity and your modesty until the day well known, Insha'Allah.
As Salamu Aleykum
The path of Islam ✨
SpiritualIslamic reminder book which contains a lot of helpul stories including the story of Iblis on how he became Shaytaan and the stories of the Prophets (May peace be upon them). - There's also a bunch of reminding stories for you to always remind yo...