الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول اللهالسلام عليكم
In the name of Allah, The Beneficent The Most Merciful
I greet you in this Islamic greeting book;
As Salamu Aleykum Wa rahmatoulla Wa Baraqatuhu; I welcome you to the program in which we continue to look at certain Islamic issues with some stories, hoping that we'd all seek deep knowledge Insha'Allah.
Today's story would be about a blind man who could see as you read in the title. A man tells the story as it follows :
"It happened while we were making tawaf circiling the Ka'bah. And it is very crowded as you know and as you've seen in the pictures and for those of you that have been there. And as I was walking, actually some of the members that were in our Umrah group; families and you know single young men.
As we were walking, all of sudden, everyone around us slowed down to an extremely slow walk. And then I saw people parting around what seemed to be an obstacle. I thought someone had dropped something.
But it turned out there was actually a man walking at the pace of a snail right in the midst of this crowd. It wasn't too close to the Ka'bah. But it was still amidst the crowded area, sort of between the Ka'bah and the outer courtyard.
I'll be honest with you, my mind jump to the worst assumption, in the beginning, I was like "what is this man doing? And creating all of this commotion and hardship by walking so slowly."! And then we passed him.
One of the mothers that was with us told me to go back and look after that man, to see what he needs. And so I seperated from the group, slowed down my pace, so that I could you know, see him. And as I turned my head slowly to look at him, I looked into his face, and I was absolutely shocked.
He was blind ...
And you know there are people that are blind and their eyeballs are still intact, but his eyes was physically not there. And so the greatest degree of blindness, there is no way he could see anything whatsoever.
And I was even more surprised, as you know, many people who are blind, they have a stick in front of them, that they use to see where they're going and to find the perimeter, but this man also looked than time itself and so he needed a cane to support himself.
And I was shocked this man was doing both functions with a single cane which is very difficult. Because it means as he leans, he leans on opposite sides of this body with every step. As I saw the man laboring like this, the first thing I felt was an extreme disappointment in myself for assuming the worst out of what is turned out to be such a difficult situation.
I jumped the conclusion that this person was being careless, but then I also wanted to help, so I reached out my hand and grabbed his hand and I intended to take him around the Ka'bah and help him complete his rituals and see after his needs.
But then as I looked into his face, he smiled, he shook his head and he took his hand out of mine and he continued to lean on his cane and make the tawaf. The people in our group were actually very shocked. One of the young brothers said "how does he know when he gets to the black stone, he can't see it."
But what I saw in that smile, was a reliance on a guidance much greater than the guidance that I could give him. And a conviction that he would find his way without my help.
Don't understand me incorrectly. It's perfectly reasonable and understandable that a person with such a physical handicap would get help, there's no harm and no shyness in this whatsoever; But this man shocked me because of his conviction in Allah (SWT).
He reminded me of a verse. "And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." [Surah Al- Ankabut, The Spider 29:69]
This man seemed like a physical embodiment of this verse. A deep conviction that Allah (SWT) would guide his path around the Ka'bah and guide his path in life. And here I have to remind myself and remind many of us that have been priviledged and blessed with a lot of blessings from Allah. Those blessings be from family, or health, or education, or material means or friends the list we could never enumerate Allah's blessings on us.
We knows that Allah Tests with constriction and He Tests with ease. And sometimes the test of plenty can be more difficult than the test of poverty, but what I see as I travel campuses and meet other people, I see that a lot of us have a lack of conviction in Allah (SWT) and have this desire to, we start obsessing about every minor detail and every small piece of life and if the smallest thing goes wrong we can make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Every time you get something in school that you weren't expecting or you have a problem with your family. Life is full of problems, every time life throws you a curveball, try to think of this blind man ... try to think of that conviction, and that trust and that confidence in a Power that is greater than your power. "
Try to also think of a plan that is higher and better than your plan.
And a certainty that can only be gotten by trusting Allah (SWT) and trusting in a power greater than you.
I hope that Insha'Allah this man serves as a reminder for us.
This story wants us to learn to trust Allah (SWT) at a certain point which we'd just smile and be thankful whenever life gets hard knowing He'd one way or another way help us out and Bless us with good things. Allah Is Extremely Powerful, He Owns Power and everything impossible becomes possible just with Allah. Yes we do believe in Allah, but we don't trust Him enough.
May Allah (SWT) Make us from those that place their full reliance on Him and their trust in Him. Ameen.
Jazakallah Khairan Kaseera for reading.
By the way, I'm thanking everyone who has supported the book from the beginning until now. We've reached all togheter 1K of views, it really means a lot, it shows that people are interested and that it is helpful and beneficial to them and I'm really thankful for this; thank you. Jazakallah Khairan Kaseera.
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