- When Shaytaan cried

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🌹الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله🌹

🌚السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 🌚


Before we get started, I wish you could reply to a few questions written down below, so it'd allow me to acknowledge that you guys have understood the story of Iblis and also that you guys have been with me since day one.

~Who is Iblis?

~ Which race is he from?

~ What do you know about him? Quote 3 things about him.


The subject of today is about Shaytaan. We are going to make a little study of this specific aspect about him in which we were unaware of.

As for us human beings, shaytaan as well has also had his moments of weakness. 🙃

Yes you've read the title correctly, shaytaan has cried before. But he cried during certains circumstances that was presented to him.

But anyway, let's get started and try to know for what reasons shaytaan wept.

First and foremost, it was said in "Al Bidayah wan Nihayah" by Ibn Kathir that Iblis, Iblis meaning shaytaan cried loudly four times.

~ The four reasons are :

• First 1️⃣ :

🥀 When Allah (SWT) declared him as cursed, 🥀

• Second 2️⃣ :

🍂 When he was thrown out, (of jannah) 🍂

• Third 3️⃣ :

🍃 When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born, 🍃

SubhanAllah and,

• Fourth 4️⃣ :

🌸 When Surah Al-Fatiha الفاتحة (The Opener) was revealed. 🌸

It was also said that when this Ayah from Surah [Ali Imram] came down to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Shaytaan cried. And he should have cried, this Ayah shows how much Allah (SWT) Is So Merciful and He is Indeed giving us all the indications to repent sincerely to Him,

🌺 He is The Most Merciful and Forgiving. 🌺

Indeed Allah says:

"And those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah ? - and [who] do not persist in what they have done while they know. "
[Al Imran, 3:135]

Source : [Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah wan Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 166]

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