- Come back, pray again.

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All praise is due to Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. We praise Him, and   seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of   ourselves and the mischief of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides cannot be misguided and whomsoever Allah misguides cannot be guided. Peace and   blessings be upon the final messenger, Muhammad (SAW), upon his family and his noble companions

- Ameen.

Have you ever experienced that moment of crying so much because you missed the feeling of making sujood to Allah?

Have  you ever experienced that moment when you raise your hands for  takbeerat and your tears just come running down just because you feel  something inside you feels so much ease?

Have you  ever experienced being so lost that you almost lost hope but with one  salah standing in salah, you've been recharged with imaan like never  before?

Have you ever missed praying and calling upon Allah that reading this makes you sob and cry already?

Oh slave of Allah, this is your imaan telling you to come back to Allah.

Indeed, it just takes one heartbeat to remember Allah.

So what are you waiting for?

Go Pray.

Have  you ever wondered how the Sahabah felt when they testified the Shahada  the first time in their lives? How they've finally found true guidance  after years of misguidance?

Have we ever thought that death can come upon us even in our  sleep? That at this very moment we can die? Are we prepared to meet  Allah? Have we fulfilled what should have been fulfilled, have we done  what should have been done?

The doors of Mercy of Allāh, never closes, repent to Allāh and ask forgiveness for He is Ar Rahmaan, Ar Raheem, Al Ghafoor!

Your salāt calls upon you 5 times a day, everday, when will we answer? Dhikr is just at the tip  of your tongues, and istighfar is just little words of utterance  concealed with sincerity.

Everything is laid upon you, sometimes  you just need to look beyond what your eyes see, and feel the Love,  Mercy and Blessings of Allāh.

Make tawbah. make tawbah. make tawbah.  

Do not wait until it's over, life won't last forever. Repent before it's too late.

Come back. Pray again.

Allah awaits for you. 

- Stories of the Sahabah.

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