Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"The bet, what bet?" Riley's grin was roguishly sly as he stood there playing stupid with me. He knew perfectly well what I meant but I knew he wanted to hear those words as much as I wanted to say them.

" The bet where you-"

I was cut off by a knock at the door. Perfect timing I thought, at least Riley knew what I was saying and I didn't have to say it out loud. I guess I needed more time to let the words flow freely, I just hated how it never wanted to just come out. An option that I never really wanted to think about was what if I was scared? Wouldn't it make sense to be scared to say "I love you" to someone, when the first and last person I've said it to died?

Riley looked disappointed by the distraction but I knew he'd bring it up again in a matter of no time. He walked to the door to answer it, when a short fat man who was balding and holding a duffel bag walked in.

"Ali , you look a lot better now than you did earlier. I'm Doctor Kunututvuck." He extended his hand towards me.

Riley leaned over and whispered. " Try saying that three times fast."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. " Nice to meet you."

" I'm just going to check your vitals and make sure your wound is healing properly, then I'll be on my way."

I sat on the couch as Tom came out to greet us. " Hey Doc Knutututututvut." Tom attempted to say his name but let out a laugh while sitting beside me for moral support. After checking my blood pressure, heart rate all that fun stuff he pulled off my bandage to check it and re-bandage it. This was the first time I'd really get to have a good look at it.

As he tore the bandage off I gulped in shock at how huge and deep it was.God I couldn't believe I really did that to myself. I turned to Tom who clearly it was his first time seeing it too, because he looked like a zombie just staring blankly at it. I was almost afraid to look at Riley in fear of the same reaction but I never liked listening to my own advice. When I looked at Riley I saw that horrible pain filled expression that made me feel like I've disappointed him.

I took a deep breath and squeezed Riley's hand while mouthing the words " I'm sorry" to him. He just smiled and held my hand encouragingly. After I got the all clear from the doctor, he then left.

" Okay guys , I'm going to grab us some grub I'll be back in a half hour or so, don't do anything inappropriate while I'm gone." Tom warned Riley as he grabbed his coat and keys and took off, leaving Riley and I alone.

The second the door closed behind Tom, I stood up still holding Riley's hand and waited patiently for him to follow my lead.

" Where are you taking me? Do I get to be shackled because I like that much more than being slapped." Riley demanded in a playful tone.

" To bed."

" You're going to show me you're boobs aren't you!" Riley joked before scooping me up into his arms and bringing me into the bedroom, kicking the door open like a total bad ass before gently laying me on the bed. He pulled down the covers and climbed into bed next to me. I went to lay on my side facing him in the center of the bed as he did the same.

"I wanted to tell you that.......... I love you." I finally said it and it felt good, like a relief that I was finally able to do so.

The sexiest grin that I've ever seen on Riley's handsome face grew as he pulled me closer and brushed his lips against mine. I pulled away for a second , there was something else I've been dying to ask him and now seemed like the right time to ask.

" I wanted to know something."

" Okay." His voice was a little unsure but he smiled none the less.

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